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MSc in Applied Social Data Science

Page contents > Methodology Options List

Programme Code: TMASDS

Department: Methodology

For students starting this programme of study in 2018/19

Guidelines for interpreting programme regulations

Classification scheme for the award of a taught master's degree (four units)
Exam sub-board local rules

Please note that places are limited on some optional courses. Admission onto any particular course is not guaranteed and may be subject to timetabling constraints and/or students meeting specific prerequisite requirements.


Course number, title (unit value)

Paper 1

MY470 Computer Programming (0.5)


And courses to the value of 0.5 units from the following:


MY472 Data for Data Scientists (0.5)


ST445 Managing and Visualising Data (0.5)

Paper 2

MY400 Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design (0.5)


And courses to the value of 0.5 units from the following:


MY452 Applied Regression Analysis (0.5) #


MY465 Intermediate Quantitative Analysis (0.5) #


ST443 Machine Learning and Data Mining (0.5) #

Paper 3

Courses to the value of 0.5 units from the following:


MY405 Research Methods for Evaluation in Health, Development and Public Policy (0.5) #


MY454 Applied Statistical Computing using R (0.5) #  (not available 2019/20)


MY456 Survey Methodology (0.5) #


MY457 Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies (0.5) #


MY459 Special Topics in Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative Text Analysis (0.5) #


MY461 Social Network Analysis (0.5)


ST446 Distributed Computing for Big Data (0.5) #


ST449 Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning (0.5)


ST451 Bayesian Machine Learning (0.5) #



Courses to the value of 0.5 unit(s) from the following:

Methodology Options List

Paper 4

Choice of any other 0.5 unit LSE course (including MY) with approval of the Academic Mentor.

Paper 5

MY498 Capstone Project (1.0)

Methodology Options List

# means there may be prerequisites for this course. Please view the course guide for more information.

Note for prospective students:
For changes to graduate course and programme information for the next academic session, please see the graduate summary page for prospective students. Changes to course and programme information for future academic sessions can be found on the graduate summary page for future students.