SP401 Half Unit
Understanding Policy Research
This information is for the 2019/20 session.
Teacher responsible
Dr Berkay Ozcan OLD.2.33
This course is compulsory on the MSc in International Social and Public Policy, MSc in International Social and Public Policy (Development), MSc in International Social and Public Policy (Migration), MSc in International Social and Public Policy (Non-Governmental Organisations) and MSc in International Social and Public Policy (Research). This course is not available as an outside option.
All Social Policy Courses are ‘Controlled Access’. Please see the link below for further details on the allocation process.
Course content
This course aims to provide an understanding of issues associated with the research process, in the context of the MSc in International Social & Public Policy. The course includes an examination of philosophical issues underpinning research methods in social policy; the place of different research methods (qualitative and quantitative) in international social & public policy; the use of research; and the role of evidence in informing social & public policy.
This is not a ‘how to’ methods course. Instead, students will be equipped to become critical readers and users of research. Students will gain an understanding of the role of research in the policy process, and of the philosophical underpinnings of different approaches to ISPP research, both quantitative and qualitative; they will scrutinise which research designs are appropriate for different kinds of policy investigation; and learn to critique the validity of the implications for policy drawn by researchers, given the methods they have used.
15 hours of lectures and 15 hours of seminars in the MT.
Formative coursework
Students will undertake a group presentation during the course, discussing approaches in researching social policy. They will receive written feedback on this presentation, and it will form the basis of the first part of their summative assessment.
Students will be expected to answer a set of broad questions every week, which will be similar to the exam questions and related to the lecture and seminar material covered in that week.
Indicative reading
Alan Bryman (2012) Social Research Methods, 4th edition Oxford University Press;
C Robson & K McCartan (2015) Real world research: A resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers, 4th edition. Oxford University Press;
Justin Parkhurst (2016) The Politics of Evidence: From Evidence-Based Policy to the Good Governance of Evidence, Routledge.
Exam (75%, duration: 2 hours, reading time: 15 minutes) in the January exam period.
Coursework (25%) in the MT.
The course is intended to inform the student’s dissertation in terms of underpinning issues, concepts, methodological choices and the role of research in social and public policy implementation.
Assessment comprises of:
- an individual write up of a group presentation on the role of different forms of research in international social & public policy (25%)
- a final exam comprising questions requiring relatively shorter answers which aims to test the skills outlined above and reflects the breadth of issues covered throughout the course (75%).
Key facts
Department: Social Policy
Total students 2018/19: Unavailable
Average class size 2018/19: Unavailable
Controlled access 2018/19: No
Value: Half Unit
Personal development skills
- Self-management
- Team working
- Problem solving
- Communication