Portuguese: Level Two (Standard)

This information is for the 2018/19 session.

Teacher responsible

Ms Benvinda Alves PEL. 6.01


This non credit bearing course is available to all LSE students, staff, alumni and external clients.


This is an elementary level course. Students should have previously learnt ...see description of “Communicative content” and “Structural Content” of Level 1 Standard, LN792. Students should: Demonstrate commitment to regular attendance, completion of homework, completion of dossier of evidence and all assessments. Dedicate at least one hour per week for coursework in addition to classes. Admission onto the course upon completion of online level test and tutor’s approval. Student profile: Students who can handle a range of basic activities relating to work, study or time spent in the country. This course may be suitable for re-starters.

Course content

• To develop the ability to use Portuguese effectively for the purpose of practical communication in spoken and written discourse.

• To enable students to gain access through language to the contemporary scene and the background of Portuguese-speaking countries, their people and their cultures.

• To establish the skills, language and attitude required to promote and facilitate further study of Portuguese

• To bring the students to level A2 of CEFR.


16 hours of classes in the MT. 22 hours of classes in the LT. 2 hours of classes in the ST.

Indicative reading

Study pack


Continuous assessment (70%) in the LT and ST.
Oral examination (30%) in the ST.

Key facts

Department: Language Studies

Total students 2017/18: 8

Average class size 2017/18: 7

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information