PS473E Half Unit
Behavioural Science for Health
This information is for the 2017/18 session.
Teacher responsible
Dr Matteo Galizzi QUE.3.16
This course is available on the Executive MSc in Health Economics, Outcomes and Management in Cardiovascular Sciences and Executive MSc in Health Economics, Policy and Management. This course is not available as an outside option.
Not available
No prerequisites
Course content
The course aims to introduce to students the main tools and principles of behavioural sciences and the key state-of-the-art applications to health economics, policy, and management. The course is designed to enhance students’ abilities to apply rigorously and critically behavioural science tools to concrete challenges in the health area. It covers principles of behavioural science; behavioural health economics and policy, and behavioural experiments in health; risk preferences and health; time preferences and health; social preferences and health; behavioural principles for information policies in health; financial and non-financial incentives in health; nudging behavioural change in health; behavioural spillovers in health; behavioural principles for regulation of health and healthcare.
15 hours of lectures and 7 hours and 30 minutes of seminars in the ST.
5 x 3 hour lectures (15 hours)
5 x 1.5 hour seminars (7.5 hours each seminar group)
Formative coursework
Students will be expected to produce 1 presentation and 1 other piece of coursework in the ST.
Indicative reading
Charness, G, Gneezy, U (2009) Incentives to exercise. Econometrica, 77(3), 909-931.
Dolan P, Galizzi MM (2015) Like ripples on a pond: behavioural spillovers and their consequences for research and policy. Journal of Economic Policy, 47, 1-16.
Galizzi, MM (2014). What is really behavioural in behavioural health policy? And, does it work? Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 36(1), 25-60.
Schwartz, JA, Chapman, GB (1999). Are more options always better? the attraction effect in physicians' decisions about medications. Medical Decision Making, 19, 315-323.
Volpp, K, Loewenstein, G et al. (2008). Financial incentive-based approaches to weight loss. Journal of the American Medical Association, 300, 2631-2637.
Essay (100%, 3000 words) in the ST.
Key facts
Department: Psychological and Behavioural Science
Total students 2016/17: Unavailable
Average class size 2016/17: Unavailable
Controlled access 2016/17: No
Value: Half Unit
Personal development skills
- Self-management
- Team working
- Problem solving
- Application of information skills
- Communication
- Specialist skills