Previous academic sessions

Please find below reference copies of the School and academic regulations, course guides and programme regulations from previous academic sessions.


The documents listed below are each a representative 'snap-shot' of the regulations in force for a given year and were produced before the start of each academic session. The online version of the Calendar, which would have been adjusted from time to time throughout the year, was the definitive version. Changes may therefore have occurred after the production of the 'snap-shot' document and in the case of differences between versions, the online version would have been considered authoritative.

School Regulations 2015-2016
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2015-2016

School Regulations 2014-2015
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2014-2015

School Regulations 2013-2014
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2013-2014

School Regulations 2012-2013
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2012-2013

School Regulations 2011-2012
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2011-2012

School Regulations 2010-2011
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2010-2011

School Regulations 2009-2010
Course Guides and Programme Regulations 2009-2010