MRes/PhD in International Development

Year 1
Compulsory courses

1. DV501 Development History, Theory and Policy for Research Students (H)
2. Methodology course choice 1 to the value of one full unit (at the 400 and 500 level) (F)*
3. Methodology or Theory course choice 2 to the value of one full unit (at the 400 and 500 level) (F)*
4. Methodology or Theory course choice 3 to the value of one half unit (at the 400 or 500 level) (H)*
5. DV510 Research Design and Proposal in International Development (F)
6. DV500 Research Seminar in Development Studies (non-examined)

* Course choices must be approved by the supervisor and Doctoral Programme Director.

Optional Courses
7. EC400 Introductory Course in Mathematics and Statistics (September pre-sessional course as a pre-requisite for 400 and 500 level EC courses for students planning to make use of advanced quantitative methods in their PhD research).
8. MY593A Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher: Getting Started (n/a 14/15)

Award of the MRes in International Development

The MRes in International Development will be awarded if all the exams are passed.
A 'Distinction' grade will be awarded for the MRes if an aggregate of 270 marks (over 4 full units) is achieved with no fails.
A 'Merit' grade will be awarded for the MRes if an aggregate of 250 marks (over 4 full units) is achieved with no fails.
A 'Pass' grade will be awarded for the MRes if an aggregate of 200 marks (over 4 full units) is achieved with no fails.

Upgrade to PhD
Upgrade to PhD is dependent upon:

1. Pass of the MRes with an average of 65 in the coursework (except as noted above).
2. Pass of the Research Proposal with a mark equal or greater than 65.

The Research Proposal Committee will offer constructive advice and make one of four decisions:

  • Unconditional approval
  • Conditional approval
  • Revise and resubmit
  • Fail

Students who are required to Revise and Resubmit are usually expected the resubmit the proposal within three months. These students will progress to a temporary MPhil status, with the approval of the Chair of the Research Degrees Subcommittee, while they are revising their research proposal. Students who are successful will be upgraded to PhD.

The progress of each student will be reviewed at the end of each subsequent year.

Year 2
Optional Courses

1. MY593B Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher: The Middle Years (n/a 14/15)

Year 3
No courses

Year 4
Optional Courses

1. MY593C Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher: The Endgame (n/a 14/15)