MPhil/PhD Geography

In addition to progressing with their research, students are expected to take the listed training and transferable skills courses.  Students may take courses in addition to those listed, and should discuss this with their supervisor.

Year One
Training courses
Compulsory (not examined)

GY502 Staff/Research Students Seminars

Compulsory (examined)
Students without a recognised research training MSc will be required to take:
Either MY4M1 Foundations of Social Research 1
or MY4M2 Foundations of Social Research 2, or another relevant course (to be approved by supervisor and the Director of Postgraduate Studies)
One specialist subject course approved by the supervisor and the Director of the Postgraduate Studies. This can be GY403 Contemporary Debates in Human Geography or another relevant course.

Optional (examined/not examined)
One relevant advanced research methods course and one advanced specialist subject course by agreement with the supervisor.

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
GY500 Geographical Project Seminar
MY592 Workshop in Information Literacy: finding, managing and organising published research and data
MY593A Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher: Getting Started

Year Two
Training courses
Compulsory (not examined)

GY502 Staff/Research Students Seminars

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
GY500 Geographical Project Seminar
MY593B Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher: The Middle Years

Optional (examined/not examined)
Students may attend additional courses, as deemed relevant by their supervisor.

Year three
Training courses
Compulsory (not examined)

GY502 Staff/Research Students Seminars

Optional (examined/not examined)
Students may attend additional courses, as deemed relevant by their supervisor.

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
GY500 Geographical Project Seminar
MY593C Authoring a PhD and Developing as a Researcher: The Endgame

Year four
Training courses
Optional (not examined)
GY502 Staff/Research Students Seminars

Transferable skills courses
Optional (not examined)
GY500 Geographical Project Seminar

Progression and Upgrade requirements
Students must achieve a pass (50% or over) in all examined elements (which includes the Methodological courses).
All students will be subject to an annual review of progress in every year of registration.

At the end of the first year, students must submit a written first year progress report for formal review, encompassing a revised detailed research proposal and a chapter/paper (which can be a literature review). More details about the required materials and review process are outlined in the programme orientation notes. All of the work carried out in the year, plus performance in specified courses, will also be taken into consideration in the annual review.
All students will initially register for an MPhil and will be required to pass through an upgrade process to register for the PhD. Upgrade from MPhil to PhD normally takes place in the second year of registration. Students must then submit a written upgrade report for formal examination, encompassing an extensive and detailed research proposal and two chapters/papers (one of which can be a literature review). More details about the required materials and upgrade process are outlined in the programme orientation notes.

Students may be required to complete additional courses, as deemed relevant by their supervisor, in later years of registration. Students are required to be in attendance throughout their period of registration. Absences or fieldwork must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies in Geography and the Research Degrees Subcommittee, LSE.