French: Level Five (Management and Business)
This information is for the 2013/14 session.
Teacher responsible
Thierry Semo, CMK.C804
400 hours including self study (16+) Good A-Level pass. More than eight years at secondary school level. High level of ORAL fluency in the language.
Admission to the course upon completion of online level test and tutor’s approval during needs analysis. You will need to show and demonstrate a special interest in the topic or being in the process of studying it. This course is best suited to CEMS students.
Course content
Course aim :
- To develop the ability to speak and interact confidently in French in the formal context of a company and in situations related to business and management.
- To develop the necessary intercultural skills which are needed in multicultural environments such as multinational companies.
- To develop transferable skills to interact in meetings and social events.
- To bring students to level C2 of CEFR.
Communicative Content:
- To introduce a topic in the field of Management and Business.
- To develop and describe particular points.
- To make an appropriate conclusion. To describe a situation.
- To describe the context of an event.
- To express and justify opinions.
- To agree, disagree and justify a choice.
- To introduce someone to the advantages and disadvantages of an option.
- To propose, accept or refuse.
- To negotiate and find a compromise.
- To conclude and adopt a recommendation.
- To express feelings.
- To speak about an event (past/present/future) and explain circumstances, causes and consequences.
- To debate and interact confidently in a discussion.
Structural Content:
- Listening comprehension, oral presentation, occasional revision of major grammatical points and key tenses and introduction to different registers and literary styles.
- Topical issues through the analysis of texts related to the world of business in French on a weekly basis.
6 hours of classes in the MT. 10 hours of classes in the LT. 4 hours of classes in the ST.
Please refer to the LSE timetable for course teaching arrangements.
Indicative reading
Thierry Semo, Le Français des Affaires, 2008 (course pack distributed in class).
Continuous assessment (50%) in the MT, LT and ST.
Oral examination (30%) in the LT and ST.
In class assessment (20%) in the LT.
Key facts
Department: Language Studies
Total students 2012/13: 8
Average class size 2012/13: 8