Scheme for the Award of a Taught Masters Degree for students entering from 2008/09: Sub-Board 'local rules'

Please read the following local rules in conjunction with the relevant scheme paragraph in the Classification Scheme for this programme:

These Exam Sub-Board 'local rules' apply to the following programmes:
MSc Employment Relations and Organisational Behaviour (Research)
MSc International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management
MSc Management and Human Resources (formerly MSc Human Resource Management)
MSc Organisational Behaviour


Course critical to assessment:
A degree cannot be awarded unless the designated course (ID499 Dissertation or ID496 Dissertation) had been passed.


Distinction/Merit borderline (scheme paragraph 5.3.2):
Classification for students with mark profiles falling into this range will be determined according to an aggregate formula: Distinction if aggregate > 260


Merit/Pass borderline (scheme paragraph 5.3.4):
Classification for students with mark profiles falling into this range will be determined according to an aggregate formula: Merit awarded if aggregate > 240

For further information on Exam Sub-Board local rules, please contact Sneha Solanki
July 2012