MPhil/PhD in Social Psychology

Programme code: RPPS

The MPhil/PhD programme includes taught courses on both methodology and theory. The precise courses students are required to attend varies and exemptions may apply depending on prior experience and qualifications. These matters should be discussed and agreed with the supervisor in the first formal supervision meeting.

Year One
Training courses
Compulsory (students should agree with their supervisor whether the courses taken will also be examined)
MY421M or MY421L Qualitative Research Methods (H)
MY452M or MY452L Applied Regression Analysis (H) or MY455 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (H)
MY456 Survey Methodology (H) 
PS400 Contemporary Social and Cultural Psychology or PS404 Organisational Social Psychology or PS429 The Social Psychology of Communication or PS461 Health, Community and Development.
Half unit optional course.

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
PS950 Current Research in Social Psychology

Optional (examined/not examined/)
Students can take further optional courses which they should discuss with their supervisor (students should agree with their supervisor whether the courses taken will also be examined)

Year Two
Training courses
Compulsory (students should agree with their supervisor whether the courses taken will also be examined):
Quantitative pathway

MY452M or MY452L Applied Regression Analysis (H) (if MY451 taken in year 1)
MY455 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (H) (if MY452 taken in year 1)

Qualitative pathway
MY455 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (H)

Combined pathway
MY452M or MY452L Applied Regression Analysis (H) (if MY451 taken in year 1)
MY455 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (H) (if MY452 taken in year 1)
MY456 Survey Methodology (H) (if MY455 taken in year 1)
MY455 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement (H)

Optional (examined/not examined)
Students can take further optional courses which they should discuss with their supervisor (students should agree with their supervisor whether the courses taken will also be examined)

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
PS950 Current Research in Social Psychology

Optional (examined/not examined)
Students can take further optional courses which they should discuss with their supervisor (students should agree with their supervisor whether the courses taken will also be examined).  

Year Three
Training courses
Compulsory (examined/not examined)
Students can take further compulsory courses which they should discuss with their supervisor (students should agree with their supervisor whether the courses taken will also be examined):

Optional (examined/not examined)
Selection of courses taken at more advanced level than those in years 1 and 2

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
PS950 Current Research in Social Psychology

Year Four
Training courses
Students can take further courses following discussion with their supervisor.

Transferable skills courses
Compulsory (not examined)
PS950 Current Research in Social Psychology

Optional (examined/not examined)
Students can take further optional courses which they should discuss with their supervisor

Progression and upgrade requirements  
The first year Extended Essay and the second year Upgrade chapters (see below) are examined by a three-person thesis committee, which includes the student's supervisor, as well as two other academic colleagues.

Targets for progress
Year 1
- Extended Essay of 6,000 words, submitted on first day of Lent Term.
Year 2 - Upgrade viva. Two draft chapters of 10,000 words each (total of 20,000 words), submitted on first day of Lent Term. These chapters form the basis of an oral examination by three person thesis committee usually four to six weeks after submission. Success in this examination results in upgrade from MPhil to PhD status.
Year 3- Completed first draft by end of three years.

Teaching experience
Graduates will usually gain some teaching experience and have had the opportunity to develop teaching skills.