Classical Texts in Social Psychology
This information is for the 2015/16 session.
Teacher responsible
Prof Martin Bauer COL.8.04 and Prof Sandra Jovchelovitch QUE.3.25
Course content
To maintain awareness of classical monographical studies of social psychology, its psychological as well as its sociological tradition. To provide a forum for entire textual reading and contextual discussions of contributions by J Vygotzky, K Piaget, Lewin, G H Mead, LeBon, McDougall, F Bartlett, S Freud, E Goffman, Ichheiser, Buehler and others.
Indicative reading
R M Farr, The Roots of Modern Social Psychology, Blackwell, 1996. Further readings will be suggested at the start of the seminar.
Key facts
Department: Social Psychology
Total students 2014/15: Unavailable
Average class size 2014/15: Unavailable
Value: Non-assessed
Personal development skills
- Communication