Scheme for the Award of a Taught Masters Degree for students entering from 2015/16: Sub-Board 'local rules'

Please read the following local rules in conjunction with the relevant scheme paragraph in the Classification Scheme for this programme:

MRes Finance (Track 1)


Penalty rules (scheme paragraph 3.2.3. (1)):
A Fail (but not a Bad Fail) in a course(s) to the value of 1.0 unit will result in an overall Fail unless compensated either: (i) by a mark of at least 55% in one full unit course; or ii) by a compensation aggregate mark of 220 in the non-failed courses.


Course critical to assessment:


Distinction/Merit borderline (scheme paragraph 3.3.2):
Classification for students with mark profiles falling into this range will always be determined to the advantage of the student.


Merit/Pass borderline (scheme paragraph 3.3.4):
Classification for students with mark profiles falling into this range will always be determined to the advantage of the student.

For further information on Exam Sub-Board local rules, please contact Martin Johnson