The Cyber Goliath and Freedom

  • Author:JACK CX LEE
  • Department:Department of Government
  • Type:Poster

Michelangelo chose to depict David before the battle: alert and ready for combat.

Goliath with his armour and shield, David armed only with his rock, his sling, and his courage. David hurls a stone from his sling with all his might and hits Goliath and kills it. Advancements in technology have increased life expectancy, standards of living, discovered life saving medicines. But, in the post-COVID world, we are all exposed to the modern-day technology Goliath, whether it’s through hackers or governments, where if anyone dug enough, could find anyone’s deepest secrets. Do we have enough courage to limit our freedom for greater security? Or must we develop new tools to protect us from the cyber arms race?