
  • Author:Aarthi Ratnam
  • Department:Department of International History
  • Type:Written pitch

Life at 2 meters is the awareness that we are not limited by our physical distance, but are defined by our empathy. As the world around us was re-defined, our experiences and encounters also changed. The disruption to daily routines, movements and interactions has caused severe consequences to physical and mental well-being. With declining access to social support and emotional regulation, isolation and uncertainty created an increase in reported cases of eating disorders and mental health issues. My research will focus on the importance of normalizing dialogues about eating disorders and mental health. It will also shed light on how difficulties to access support during this time exacerbated existing health inequalities. Comparative suffering became a common feeling amongst most people, depriving them of a simple but powerful permission to feel. Looking at this newly-defined world it is increasingly important to emphasize that empathy is not finite.