This page shows the options you have when you want to report an incident. The first flowchart is the LSE wide procedure. Additionally, our department is currently working on a flowchart to show what happens at the department level.
You can ask a Safe Contacts, a Student’s Union Advisor or someone from Student Wellbeing Service to go through the flowchart with you.
LSE flowchart
This flowchart shows you the options available to you if you experience sexual violence or harassment. It covers routes to report an incident (if you choose to do so) and how to get support.
What happens if you make a disclosure of sexual harassment or violence? (PDF)
Report an incident
How to report an incident – online (
Department flowchart
Coming soon.
Additional support
For free, confidential and independent support for men, boys and non-binary people who have survived any kind of sexual violence, at any point in their lives. Link.
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