Regular and Annual Events

The Department of Philosophy, Logic & Scientific Method hosts a rich series of regular and annual events, typically much more than one person could possibly attend – but it’s certainly worth the effort!

Regular Events

BSPS Lectures

The British Society for the Philosophy of Science holds its regular meetings at the LSE, hosting several lectures on topics in philosophy of science each term.

Choice Group

The LSE Choice Group is a group of philosophers, political scientists and economists based mainly at the LSE and with a shared interest in the theory of rational decision making in individuals and groups and its application to economic, political and social questions. The group meets on Wednesday evenings from 17:30 to 19:00 in LAK.2.06.

Conjectures and Refutations

Conjectures and Refutations is a new seminar series for philosophers and scientists with a shared interest in the philosophy of science. The seminars cover topics in the philosophy of science broadly understood, with a special focus on general philosophy of science and those branches of science not already covered by the Choice Group and Sigma Club. Conjectures and Refutations is a venue for scientifically informed philosophy as well as philosophically informed science. Seminars take place regularly throughout term-time and are free and open to all.

The Popper Seminar

The Popper Seminars are the continuation of the great lecture series convened by Karl Popper and later also Imre Lakatos at LSE, throughout the entirety of their careers. Originally held every Tuesday at 2pm, the only day that Popper would come into the office, the Popper Seminar now continues to serve as the department’s principal lecture series, now convening roughly once each month during regular term time.

Sigma Club Lectures

The Sigma Club is a historic lecture series in the philosophy and foundations of physics, founded in 1987 by Michael Redhead at Cambridge, and moving to LSE in 1997 where it is now hosted by the CPNSS. It meets on Monday evenings during normal term time.

Philosophy Live

In 2022, LSE Philosophy launched the new public lecture series ‘Philosophy Live’. Each term, the department hosts up to three different lectures at LSE discussing day-to-day questions – inviting leading philosophers from all around the world. The events are taking place in the evenings and are open to all.


Annual Events

Lakatos Award Lectures

A Lakatos Award lecture is given roughly once per year by the winner of the Lakatos Award, the prestigious award for an outstanding book in philosophy of science that is hosted at LSE.

Sir Karl Popper Memorial Lectures

After Popper’s death in 1994, the School established the Sir Karl Popper Memorial Fund. The aim of the present Management Committee is to organize a Sir Karl Popper Memorial Lecture every second year, and in the intervening years to award a Sir Karl Popper Prize for distinguished achievement in graduate work in an area of philosophy to which Popper made significant contributions.