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    Hive Minds: Collective Intelligence in Humans and Other Animals (Forum for Philosophy)

Hive Minds: Collective Intelligence in Humans and Other Animals (Forum for Philosophy)

19 October 2016|


Hive Minds: Collective Intelligence in Humans and Other Animals (Forum for Philosophy)

Swarms of bees make decisions as a ‘democratic’ collective, voting on various possible nest sites through waggle dances. Does this phenomenon amount to a form of ‘collective intelligence’? Do we also find collective intelligence in humans? And what might humans be able to learn from bees about the best […]

The Worst Form of Government? (Forum for Philosophy)

5 October 2016|


The Worst Form of Government? (Forum for Philosophy)

Winston Churchill famously described democracy as ‘the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried’. While not exactly a resounding endorsement, something like this sentiment is strongly held by most people in Western societies. Those who challenge it are branded ‘extremists’ or ‘ideologues’, with special suspicion […]

  • Permalink Gallery

    Sir Paul Nurse: “How Philosophy Drives Discovery: A scientist’s view of Popper”

Sir Paul Nurse: “How Philosophy Drives Discovery: A scientist’s view of Popper”

28 September 2016|


Sir Paul Nurse: “How Philosophy Drives Discovery: A scientist’s view of Popper”

In this talk, the 8th Sir Karl Popper Memorial Lecture, Sir Paul Nurse discusses how the philosophical works of Karl Popper have informed the practice of his own scientific research activities, indicating where it has helped and where it has required modifications.

Sir Paul is an English geneticist, Former […]

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    James Owen Weatherall (Irvine): “On Stuff: The Field Concept in Classical Physics”

James Owen Weatherall (Irvine): “On Stuff: The Field Concept in Classical Physics”

26 September 2016|

James Owen Weatherall (Irvine): “On Stuff: The Field Concept in Classical Physics”

Discussions of physical ontology often come down to two basic options. Either the basic physical entities are particles, or else they are fields. I will argue that, in fact, it is not at all clear what it would mean to say that the world consists of […]

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    Carlo Rovelli (Marseille): “Why Physics Needs Philosophy” (video)

Carlo Rovelli (Marseille): “Why Physics Needs Philosophy” (video)

17 July 2016|

Carlo Rovelli (Marseille): “Why Physics Needs Philosophy”

Once again, Physics is facing foundational questions: What is the nature of time? What is the nature of space? How did the Universe begin? What is the role of the mind in the description of reality? Can we understand Nature just in terms of elementary constituents?…

Questions of this sort cannot be […]

  • Permalink Gallery

    Carlo Rovelli (Marseille): “Why Physics Needs Philosophy” (podcast)

Carlo Rovelli (Marseille): “Why Physics Needs Philosophy” (podcast)

17 July 2016|


Carlo Rovelli (Marseille): “Why Physics Needs Philosophy”

Once again, Physics is facing foundational questions: What is the nature of time? What is the nature of space? How did the Universe begin? What is the role of the mind in the description of reality? Can we understand Nature just in terms of elementary constituents?…

Questions of this sort cannot be addressed without […]

  • Permalink Image credit: Dr Ute Kraus

    James Weatherall (UC Irvine): “Some Philosophical Prehistory of the Earman-Norton Hole Argument”

James Weatherall (UC Irvine): “Some Philosophical Prehistory of the Earman-Norton Hole Argument”

15 July 2016|


James Weatherall (UC Irvine): “Some Philosophical Prehistory of the Earman-Norton Hole Argument”

James Weatherall is Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California, Irvine.

Recorded at The Hole Shebang workshop, LSE, 15 July 2016.

The Hole Shebang brought together philosophers and physicists to discuss a recent debate surrounding interpretations of the Hole Argument.

This was a “satellite” […]

  • Permalink Image credit: Dr Ute Kraus

    Bryan W. Roberts (LSE): “Some curious examples of mathematical representation”

Bryan W. Roberts (LSE): “Some curious examples of mathematical representation”

15 July 2016|


Bryan W. Roberts (LSE): “Some curious examples of mathematical representation”

Recorded at The Hole Shebang workshop, LSE, 15 July 2016.

The Hole Shebang brought together philosophers and physicists to discuss a recent debate surrounding interpretations of the Hole Argument.

This was a “satellite” workshop held the day before Foundations 2016, the 18th UK/EU conference on foundations of physics. Both of […]

  • Permalink Image credit: Dr Ute Kraus

    Samuel C. Fletcher (Minnesota & MCMP): “Elvis has left the building”

Samuel C. Fletcher (Minnesota & MCMP): “Elvis has left the building”

15 July 2016|


Samuel C. Fletcher (Minnesota & MCMP): “Elvis has left the building”

Recorded at The Hole Shebang workshop, LSE, 15 July 2016.

The Hole Shebang brought together philosophers and physicists to discuss a recent debate surrounding interpretations of the Hole Argument.

This was a “satellite” workshop held the day before Foundations 2016, the 18th UK/EU conference on foundations of physics. Both […]

  • Permalink Image credit: Dr Ute Kraus

    Oliver Pooley (Oxford): “Why we don’t need any more talks on the hole argument”

Oliver Pooley (Oxford): “Why we don’t need any more talks on the hole argument”

15 July 2016|


Oliver Pooley (Oxford): “Why we don’t need any more talks on the hole argument”

Recorded at The Hole Shebang workshop, LSE, 15 July 2016.

The Hole Shebang brought together philosophers and physicists to discuss a recent debate surrounding interpretations of the Hole Argument.

This was a “satellite” workshop held the day before Foundations 2016, the 18th UK/EU conference on foundations […]