
Richard Bradley, Roman Frigg, Katie Steele, Alex Voorhoeve, and Charlotte Werndl awarded AHRC grant for the project Managing Severe Uncertainty

8 October 2012|

Richard Bradley, Roman Frigg, Katie Steele, Alex Voorhoeve, and Charlotte Werndl have been awarded a £725,000 research grant by the AHRC for a research project on Managing Severe Uncertainty. The project will be pursued over three years starting in March 2013 and will investigate scientific uncertainty, especially in climate science, and how policy decisions should be made under conditions […]

The Department welcomes Erik Schokkaert

1 October 2012|

Professor Erik Schokkaert (University of Leuven, Department of Economics) will be a Visiting Professor in the Department and take up the position of Belgian Chair at the University of London in 2012-13. The Belgian Chair at the University of London is a charity set up in 1930 and is funded by a donation which is administered by the […]

The Department welcomes Wlodek Rabinowicz

1 October 2012|

Professor Wlodek Rabinowicz (Department of Philosophy, University of Lund, Sweden) will be coming visiting the department from 2013-2016 as Centennial Professor. His areas of research are moral philosophy, value theory, decision theory, and philosophical logic.

The Department welcomes Michael Otsuka

29 August 2012|

We are pleased to announce that Professor Michael Otsuka will be moving from UCL to LSE to take up a Professorship in the Department starting from September 2013. Professor Otsuka writes: “While my work will remain squarely within moral and political philosophy, I’ve found myself turning more, in recent years, to the work of philosophically inclined rational and […]

Staffing changes for 2012-2013

27 July 2012|

Professor Nancy Cartwright will be leaving the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method for the University of Durham. Dr. Alex Voorhoeve will be on sabbatical next year, and Dr. Jason Alexander will be on sabbatical in the Spring term. Dr. Charlotte Werndl is on maternity leave. We welcome five new members to our staff. […]

Winner of Andrea Mannu Prize UG: James Matharu

13 July 2012|

The Andrea Mannu Prize UG for 2011-2012 was awarded to James Matharu for best performance by an undergraduate in any degrees administered by the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method.

Department rankings

6 June 2012|

The Department has been ranked first in the UK for graduate prospects in the Complete University Guide: University Subject Tables 2013, third overall in the Complete University Guide: University Subject Tables 2013, and third in the UK in the University Guide 2013: League Table for Philosophy.

Winner of GTA Teaching Award: Chris Blunt

17 May 2012|

Please join us in congratulating Chris Blunt for winning the 2012 GTA Teaching Award. Well done, Chris!

Foad Dizadji-Bahmani to move to California State University in LA

16 May 2012|

Dr. Foad Dizadji-Bahmani (LSE Fellow) will take up a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy in California State University in LA starting January 2013.

Amandine Catala to move to Université Catholic de Louvain (Belgium)

16 May 2012|

Dr. Amandine Catala (LSE Fellow) will take up a one-year fellowship at the Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics in the Université Catholic de Louvain (Belgium) starting in the Fall of 2012.