
Staff appointments

6 May 2014|

Congratulations to Peter Dennis on his appointment as an LSE Fellow in the Department.

Introduction to the Department

30 April 2014|

Professor Luc Bovens provides an introduction to the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method.

Winners of Lakatos Award: Laura Ruetsche and David Wallace

15 April 2014|

The Lakatos Award for an outstanding contribution to the philosophy of science, has been won jointly by Laura Ruetsche of the University of Michigan for her book Interpreting Quantum Theories  (Oxford University Press, 2011) and by David Wallace of Oxford University for his book The Emergent Multiverse  (Oxford University Press, 2012). Each will win a prize of £7500.

Staff promotions

20 March 2014|

Congratulations to Roman Frigg, who has been promoted to Professor (from September 2014).

Nona Buckley-Irvine and Thomas Maksymiw elected to LSE Student Union

13 March 2014|

Congratulations to Nona Buckley-Irvine (BSc Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method) and Thomas Maksymiw (BSc Politics and Philosophy). Nona was elected as General Secretary and Thomas as Education Officer of the LSE Student Union for 2014-2015.

Miklós Rédei to deliver Professorial Inaugural Lecture

5 March 2014|

Miklós Rédei will be delivering the Professorial Inaugural Lecture ‘On John von Neumann’s Life and Work’ on Thursday, 13 March 2014 from 5-6 pm in LAK.2.06.

Staff appointments

14 February 2014|

Congratulations to Jonathan Birch on his appointment as a new Assistant Professor here in the Department.

Staff appointments

11 February 2014|

Congratulations to Anna Mahtani on her appointment as a new Assistant Professor here in the Department.

New research: conflicting interests within a group can lead to better collective decisions

25 November 2013|

Christian List and a team of political scientists and biologists from LSE and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin show in new research that conflicting interests within a group can lead to better collective decisions—if you’re a social animal such as a meerkat.

Read more about the research here.

Luc Bovens and Adam Oliver on Thursday Lunch with Harry Burdon

20 November 2013|

Listen to Luc Bovens and Adam Oliver discuss the topic of nudges with Harry Burdon here.