LSE Philosophy welcomes Susanne Burri

10 August 2015|

We’re pleased to welcome the newest member of the LSE Philosophy faculty, Dr Susanne Burri, who starts as an Assistant Professor in September 2015.

Aron Vallinder awarded 2015 Watkins Prize

23 July 2015|

The 2015 Watkins Prize has been awarded to MPhil/PhD student Aron Vallinder for his work on the stability of theory of belief.

2014-2015 Andrea Mannu Undergraduate Prize

23 July 2015|

The Andrea Mannu Undergraduate Prize for 2014-2015 has been awarded jointly to Chloé de Canson and Yueling Huang.

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    New for 2015/6: Einstein for Everyone – From time travel to the edge of the universe

New for 2015/6: Einstein for Everyone – From time travel to the edge of the universe

16 July 2015|

Starting in September 2015, our new course, Einstein for Everyone, will provide the ideal introduction to the philosophical implications of relativity theory.

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    New for 2015/6: Physics and the City – From Quantum Jumps to Stock Market Crashes

New for 2015/6: Physics and the City – From Quantum Jumps to Stock Market Crashes

16 July 2015|

From September 2015, students from all backgrounds will be able to study the philosophical issues underlying the relationship between physics and finance in our brand new course: Physics and the City – From Quantum Jumps to Stock Market Crashes.

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    LSE Philosophers help introduce secondary school students to philosophy

LSE Philosophers help introduce secondary school students to philosophy

9 July 2015|

Over the past term, LSE philosophers have helped introduce secondary school students to philosophy as part of the Harris Experience programme.

LSE Philosophers at the 2015 BSPS Conference

26 June 2015|

The upcoming British Society for the Philosophy of Science (BSPS) conference features a large contingent of LSE Philosophers, including faculty, associates and research students.

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    Luc Bovens discusses the ethics of “Nudge” for public health

Luc Bovens discusses the ethics of “Nudge” for public health

12 June 2015|

On 11 May, Luc Bovens took part in “Influencing Healthy Life Styles: The Ethical Debate”, a symposium organised by the Republic of Ireland’s Department of Health.

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    LSE Philosophers help Dutch Government respond to environmental challenges

LSE Philosophers help Dutch Government respond to environmental challenges

13 May 2015|

Ideas developed by LSE Philosophers Luc Bovens and Roman Frigg encouraged the Dutch Government to adopt novel approaches to sustainability and predicting climate change.

BSc student awarded Clarendon Scholarship for Oxford

6 May 2015|

Benjamin Lange, third year student on our BSc in Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, has been awarded a Clarendon Scholarship for the full-time BPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford.