Christian List takes up new editorial board roles
Professor Christian List has recently been appointed as Subject Editor for Philosophy of Social Science at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. He has also joined the Editorial Board of Mind.
Professor Christian List has recently been appointed as Subject Editor for Philosophy of Social Science at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. He has also joined the Editorial Board of Mind.
Every year we hold a Departmental weekend for students and staff at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park. This year’s trip will take place 6–8 November 2015.
Planning on applying for graduate study with LSE Philosophy for 2016-17? Then come along to the School’s Graduate Open Evening on 4 November. Bookings are now open.
The European Philosophy of Science Association’s 2015 conference features work from LSE Philosophy faculty and research students.
The Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method seeks applications for an Assistant Professor in Philosophy.
The London School of Economics and Political Science announces that the Lakatos Award for an outstanding contribution to the philosophy of science, has been won jointly by Gordon Belot and David Malament.
Final year PhD student, Simon Beard, has accepted a Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford.
After six years as Head of Department, Professor Luc Bovens will be taking a well-deserved sabbatical this year at Princeton University’s Center for Human Values. Although we’re sorry to see Luc go, we’re also excited to welcome our new Head of Department, Professor Miklós Rédei.
We’re happy to announce the arrival of two new LSE Fellows in the Department: Andrew Buskell and Dr Heather Dyke.
A recent article in The Times looked at the surprisingly broad range of career opportunities open to philosophy graduates. The article quotes LSE Careers Office data in stating that our Department has one of the lowest rates of unemployment in the School.
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