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    Out now: Decision Theory with a Human Face, by Richard Bradley

Out now: Decision Theory with a Human Face, by Richard Bradley

6 November 2017|

Professor Richard Bradley’s new book, Decision Theory with a Human Face, is available now from Cambridge University Press.

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    9 November: Lakatos Award Lectures with Thomas Pradeu and Brian Epstein

9 November: Lakatos Award Lectures with Thomas Pradeu and Brian Epstein

30 October 2017|

Thomas Pradeu and Brian Epstein, winners of the 2015 and 2016 Lakatos Awards, will deliver this year’s Lakatos Award Lectures on 9 November.

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    MSc student awarded Institute of Business Ethics essay prize

MSc student awarded Institute of Business Ethics essay prize

20 October 2017|

Charles Sherwood, a graduand from our Philosophy and Public Policy MSc programme, has won first prize in the Institute of Business Ethics 2017 student essay competition.

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    Out now: The Philosophy of Social Evolution, by Jonathan Birch

Out now: The Philosophy of Social Evolution, by Jonathan Birch

19 October 2017|

Dr Jonathan Birch’s new book, The Philosophy of Social Evolution, is out today.

Apply now for 2018/9

9 October 2017|

Applications for our world-leading MSc and MPhil/PhD programmes are now open. Programmes start September 2018.

Bryan Roberts awarded National Science Foundation grant

2 October 2017|

Bryan W. Roberts and Nicholas J. Teh, a philosopher of physics at the University of Natre Dame, have been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation grant for their forthcoming project on the nature of observation in science.

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    4 October: Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture with Professor Daniel M. Hausman

4 October: Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture with Professor Daniel M. Hausman

22 September 2017|

Daniel M. Hausman, Herbert A. Simon and Hilldale Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and co-founder of the journal Economics and Philosophy, will deliver this year’s Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture on 4 October.

LSE Philosophers’ articles among “ten best” in 2016

24 August 2017|

Papers by Luc Bovens and Alex Voorhoeve have been ranked among the ten best philosophy articles of 2016 by The Philosopher’s Annual.

LSE Philosophy welcomes Mattia Gallotti

6 July 2017|

We’re pleased to announce the appointment of a new LSE Fellow in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Mattia Gallotti, who will be joining the Department in September.

LSE Philosophy welcomes Owen Griffiths

6 July 2017|

We’re pleased to announce the appointment of a new LSE Fellow in Logic, Owen Griffiths, who will be joining the Department in September.