
New Interview with Jonathan Birch about Sentient AI

18 July 2023|

LSE Philosopher Jonathan Birch gave an interview with Undark and discussed the ethical implication of sentient AI.

As AI technology leaps forward, ethical questions sparked by human-AI interactions have taken on new urgency. In the latest interview with Jonathan Birch, Associate Professor at LSE Philosophy and expert on animal sentience, argues that the potential for conscious AI will raise […]

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    New Publication: Fair Processes for Financing Universal Health Coverage

New Publication: Fair Processes for Financing Universal Health Coverage

18 July 2023|

The World Bank has published a new policy report on the topic of fair processing of universal health care coverage. Alex Voorhoeve, Head of Department at LSE Philosophy, is one of the authors.

The new policy report is titled ‘Open and Inclusive: Fair Processes for Financing Universal Health Coverage’ and has been published by the World Bank, in collaboration […]

New Podcast by LSE Philosophy Student Hamza King

17 July 2023|

LSE Philosophy student Hamza King started his own Podcast!

You can find Hamza’s podcast on his YouTube Channel ‘Phlexible Philosophy’ – ‘a space between armchair and academic philosophy.’

In the first episode ‘The Ethics of Space Exploration’, Hamza sits down with Tony Milligan to discuss some of the ethical problems posed by space exploration. Tony is a Senior Researcher […]

New LSE Fellow: Welcome Lukas Beck

6 July 2023|

We are pleased to announce that Lukas Beck will be joining our Department in September 2023 as LSE Fellow.

Lukas Beck is a Philosopher of Science. He is part of the working group on Scientific Assessments, Ethics and Public Policy at the MCC and a member of the Rivet Project, where he currently focuses on developing […]

Lakatos Award 2024: Call for nominations!

6 July 2023|

Call for nominations for the 2024 Lakatos Award: Deadline: 1 September 2023.

The 2024 award will be for a monograph in the philosophy of science broadly construed, either single authored or co-authored, published in English with an imprint from 2018 to 2023, inclusive. Anthologies and edited collections are not eligible. Any person of recognised standing within the philosophy of science or […]

Michela Massimi wins the 2023 Lakatos Award

6 July 2023|

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2023 Lakatos Award, which goes to Michela Massimi for her book ‘Perspectival Realism’ (Oxford University Press, 2022).

The Lakatos Award was made possible by a generous endowment from the Latsis Foundation, in memory of the former LSE professor Imre Lakatos. It is […]

Apply now! Ethics of AI Masterclass

27 June 2023|

Develop the tools and skills to practise ethical reasoning and manage the diverse impacts of AI on individuals and society – with content by Kate Vredenburgh and Thomas Ferretti, lead by Paola Romero.

As artificial intelligence (AI) adoption becomes more commonplace, so do questions of the ethics surrounding the design and implementation of it. In order to critically assess […]

Animal Liberation Now: Book Review by Jonathan Birch

26 June 2023|

LSE Philosophy Associate Professor Jonathan Birch has reviewed Peter Singer’s latest book ‘Animal Liberation Now’. The review has now been published in Nature.

Peter Singer’s book ‘Animal Liberation’ was first published 1975. The book delivers reports on animal suffering caused by intensive-farming systems. Almost 50 years later, Singer wrote an updated edition called ‘Animal Liberation Now’ in which he […]

Video online: How is AI Changing the World?

26 June 2023|

How does change affect people? How do people effect change? Those were the big questions of the LSE Festival 2023. The video of the panel ‘How is AI Changing the World?’ including Thomas Ferretti (former LSE Philosophy Fellow) is now available online!

The sudden rise of ChatGPT has confirmed that artificial intelligence is no longer a technology of the […]

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    ‘A Woman First and a Philosopher Second’: New paper by Ella Whiteley

‘A Woman First and a Philosopher Second’: New paper by Ella Whiteley

22 June 2023|

‘A Woman First and a Philosopher Second’: Relative Attentional Surplus on the Wrong Property – The new paper by LSE Philosophy Fellow Ella Whiteley has now been published in the journal Ethics.

About the paper: One theme in complaints from those with marginalized social identities is that they are seen primarily in terms of that identity. Some Black artists, […]