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    Thinking precisely about vagueness: an interview with Anna Mahtani

Thinking precisely about vagueness: an interview with Anna Mahtani

4 December 2014|

How many hairs must a person lose before they become bald? There doesn’t seem to be an easy way of answering this. This is because “bald”, along with a large number of other words, is vague. This vagueness causes problems and Anna Mahtani specialises in thinking very precisely about these problems…

Can we design a perfect democratic decision procedure?

12 November 2014|

The democratic process aims to make convincing collective decisions on the basis of individual preferences. There are a number of different democratic decision procedures via which such decisions may be reached. In this talk at the Visions in Science Conference in Berlin, Christian List outlines three plausible requirements of democracy before going on to show that no democratic decision procedure […]