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    Philosophy of Language for Decision Theory Part 1: Credences and Preferences

Philosophy of Language for Decision Theory Part 1: Credences and Preferences

13 March 2017|

Decision theorists and philosophers of language have a lot to learn from one another. In this post, Anna Mahtani looks at the use and interpretation of credences and preferences.

LSE Philosophy welcomes Liam Kofi Bright and Laurenz Hudetz

10 March 2017|

We look forward to welcoming two new Assistant Professors, Liam Kofi Bright and Laurenz Hudetz, who will be joining us in August 2018.

LSE Philosophy On Demand

7 March 2017|

Catch up with recordings of our public lectures, seminars and conferences on our brand new Watch and Listen page.

29 March: Undergraduate Open Day

24 January 2017|

Thinking of applying for one of our BSc Degrees? Then come along to the LSE undergraduate open day on 29 March for your chance to experience the unique atmosphere of the School.

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    The scientific limits of understanding complex social phenomena

The scientific limits of understanding complex social phenomena

9 January 2017|

Can we give accurate scientific explanations for social phenomena? In this post, CPNSS Research Fellow Alexander Krauss looks at the proposed link between economic inequality and democratic change.

New video: The LSE Philosophy MSc Programmes

16 December 2016|

In a brand new LSE video, staff, students and graduates discuss our world-leading philosophy MSc programmes and give an insight into the unique atmosphere of the department.

Universal health coverage case studies published

13 December 2016|

Further to his role in the WHO’s Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Coverage, Alex Voorhoeve has published three case studies to illustrate how the groups findings can guide practical decision making.

Providing aid and foreseeing harm

6 December 2016|

Should we be blamed for the negative consequences of otherwise wholly good acts? Tom Rowe considers the moral risks faced by aid givers.

Moral Mathematics: an interview with Campbell Brown

1 November 2016|

Campbell Brown is one of the most recent additions to our faculty. We thought we’d welcome him to the Department with some questions.

Graduate Applications for 2017/8 now open

10 October 2016|

Apply now for our world-leading MSc and MPhil/PhD programmes. Programmes start September 2017.