Department Blog

The Placebo Effect and Evidence-Based Policy

13 January 2016|

What’s so bad about the placebo effect? John Worrall examines the recent Nurofen labelling “scandal”.

Homeopathy and Evidence-Based Policy

7 January 2016|

With the UK government considering a ban on the prescription of homeopathic remedies on the NHS, John Worrall examines the rationale for such a proposal and suggests that the decision is not as simple as it might initially seem.

Weak interactions and the curious little arrow of time

21 December 2015|

In this talk from ETH Zurich’s Workshop on Time in Physics, Bryan Roberts introduces weak interactions and argues that the laws of nature are directed in time.

Introducing the Forum’s Blog

8 December 2015|

We’re pleased to announce the launch of The Forum’s new blog.

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    What should be expected from the forthcoming climate negotiations?

What should be expected from the forthcoming climate negotiations?

27 November 2015|

With the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference coming up, Eric Brandstedt asks what we should expect from the talks and considers the relationship between ethical and political perspectives on the climate change debate.

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    New LSE Philosophy Video: Alex Voorhoeve on Universal Health Coverage

New LSE Philosophy Video: Alex Voorhoeve on Universal Health Coverage

18 November 2015|

In our latest video, Dr Alex Voorhoeve discusses utilitarianism, egalitarianism and the path to Universal Health Coverage.

The evolution of cultures, human and microbial

9 November 2015|

What can microbiology teach us about cultural evolution? Philosopher of Biology, Jonathan Birch, discusses “horizontal transmission”.

Stefan Schubert and ClearerThinking’s Fact-Checking 2.0

26 October 2015|

The US presidential campaign is under way and to help voters see past the rhetoric, Stefan Schubert has used a tool developed by to highlight fallacious reasoning and factual inaccuracies in the debates.

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    New LSE Philosophy Video: J McKenzie Alexander on the evolution of morality

New LSE Philosophy Video: J McKenzie Alexander on the evolution of morality

14 October 2015|

In this brand new LSE Philosophy Video, Professor J. McKenzie Alexander discusses game theory, evolutionary game theory and the evolution of morality.

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    Nudging the pub: a change in choice architecture can help pub-goers drink less

Nudging the pub: a change in choice architecture can help pub-goers drink less

22 September 2015|

A proposal to help British breweries and pubs promote responsible drinking, by Luc Bovens.