Department Blog

Providing aid and foreseeing harm

6 December 2016|

Should we be blamed for the negative consequences of otherwise wholly good acts? Tom Rowe considers the moral risks faced by aid givers.

Moral Mathematics: an interview with Campbell Brown

1 November 2016|

Campbell Brown is one of the most recent additions to our faculty. We thought we’d welcome him to the Department with some questions.

Fair Shares and Degrees of Inequality

22 September 2016|

What does justice demand of individuals in an unjust society? Chris Marshall considers the personal implications of distributive justice.

Why is doping wrong anyway?

17 August 2016|

Most sports ban certain performance-enhancing drugs and penalise those who use them. But is the use of these drugs morally wrong? Heather Dyke looks at the ethics of doping.

Negotiating with Myself

8 June 2016|

Can the concept of “temporal selves” help us understand temptation and restraint? Johanna Thoma on self-negotiation.

  • Permalink Gallery

    Decision Theory with a Human Face: an interview with Richard Bradley

Decision Theory with a Human Face: an interview with Richard Bradley

18 May 2016|

Richard Bradley’s written a new book about decision theory. We decided to ask him some questions about it.

Towards a fairer distribution of refugees

28 April 2016|

With the current refugee crisis showing no sign of abating, a fair and efficient method for distributing people to different countries is urgently needed. In this post, Philippe van Basshuysen looks at matching systems.

What is it like to write philosophy?

14 April 2016|

With essay deadlines looming for many of our students, Matt Parker relives some of the angst involved in writing philosophy. You’re not alone.

What makes humans special?

3 March 2016|

What separates human beings from their animal ancestors? Andrew Buskell examines the concept of “cumulative culture”.

London under Attack

12 February 2016|

Susanne Burri explores some of the moral complexities of the WWII bombings.