Department Blog

Keeping Close to Home: Communities and Contagion

16 June 2020|

What is the influence of community on public health? Katherine Furman considers some of the social aspects of the pandemic.

Immunity Testing: Our passport out of lockdown?

2 June 2020|

Immunity testing has been touted as one of the best ways to escape lockdown, but just how accurate will these tests have to be? Richard Bradley and Liam Kofi Bright look at inductive risk and policy-making during the pandemic.

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    Coronavirus and 5G towers: Why do people believe weird sh*t?

Coronavirus and 5G towers: Why do people believe weird sh*t?

19 May 2020|

With fake news and disinformation seemingly thriving during the COVID-19 pandemic, J. McKenzie Alexander looks at the epistemology and psychology of fringe beliefs.

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    The Naturalistic Case for Free Will, Part 3: Indeterminism as an Emergent Phenomenon

The Naturalistic Case for Free Will, Part 3: Indeterminism as an Emergent Phenomenon

21 November 2019|

Could the universe be deterministic at some levels and indeterministic at others? In the final post in this series, Christian List looks at micro and macro levels of description.

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    The Naturalistic Case for Free Will, Part 2: An Indispensability Argument

The Naturalistic Case for Free Will, Part 2: An Indispensability Argument

6 November 2019|

What are the requirements of free will, and how can we show that these requirements are met? In the second post in this series, Christian List proposes an indispensability argument for the existence of free will.

The Naturalistic Case for Free Will, Part 1: The Challenge

22 October 2019|

Is there space for free will within a scientific worldview? In the first of this three part series, Christian List looks at free will scepticism and outlines his own compatibalist response.

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    Is Brexit the will of the people? The answer is not quite that simple

Is Brexit the will of the people? The answer is not quite that simple

16 April 2019|

Christian List looks at majoritarianism, Condorcet’s paradox and the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

How do we know how to act together?

26 February 2019|

How are humans able to act cooperatively and why don’t we see such behaviour in other primates? Jonathan Birch looks at the concept of “joint know-how”.

Media Impartiality, Part 2: How

25 September 2018|

In the second of this two-part series, Joe Mazor looks at how the news media can achieve the right kind of impartiality.

Media Impartiality, Part 1: What, When, and Why

14 August 2018|

In the first of this two-part series, Joe Mazor looks at media impartiality, what it is, and when and why it is important.