Moral and Political Philosophy

Media Impartiality, Part 1: What, When, and Why

14 August 2018|

In the first of this two-part series, Joe Mazor looks at media impartiality, what it is, and when and why it is important.

The Ethical Homeopathic Placebo?

19 June 2018|

Should doctors be allowed to prescribe homeopathic treatments on the NHS? John Worrall looks at the scientific and ethical status of homeopathy.

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    Reproductive Choices and Climate Change Part 2: should individuals have fewer children to mitigate climate change?

Reproductive Choices and Climate Change Part 2: should individuals have fewer children to mitigate climate change?

18 April 2018|

It is claimed that having fewer children will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but is it that straightforward? Eric Brandstedt looks at some of the complexities of this recommendation.

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    Reproductive Choices and Climate Change Part 1: can you reduce your emissions by having fewer children?

Reproductive Choices and Climate Change Part 1: can you reduce your emissions by having fewer children?

23 March 2018|

Our lifestyle choices determine our individual carbon footprints, including the decision whether or not to have children. But should parents should be held responsible for the emissions of future generations?

Immigration and the Natural Lottery

7 March 2018|

Whose interests should matter when deciding a nation’s border policy? Campbell Brown takes a moral look at border control.

After Obamacare

16 January 2018|

How should US policy-makers choose a replacement for the Affordable Care Act? Dan Hausman looks at the values and economic complications guiding health care reform.

The Last Hope Part 3: Attitudes

3 October 2017|

How do you hope to be thought of after you die? In his final post in this series, Luc Bovens looks at attitudes towards the dead.

An Education in Diversity?

3 July 2017|

Can compulsory formal education be justified on liberal grounds? Christina Easton on J. S. Mill, John Rawls and the famous Wisconsin v. Yoder court case.

The Last Hope Part 2: Dying Well and a World Without Me

12 June 2017|

In the second part of this series, Luc Bovens looks at a good death and a future without oneself.

The Last Hope Part 1: A Worthwhile Life

10 April 2017|

In the first in this three-part series, Luc Bovens looks at death, immortality and the worthwhile life.