Ewan Rodgers

About Ewan Rodgers

Communications and Marketing Manager, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science. E.D.Rodgers@lse.ac.uk

What makes humans special?

3 March 2016|

What separates human beings from their animal ancestors? Andrew Buskell examines the concept of “cumulative culture”.

Darwinism and the Social Sciences (Forum for Philosophy)

29 February 2016|


Darwinism and the Social Sciences (Forum for Philosophy)

A growing number of researchers are applying Darwinian ideas to explain aspects of human society, but this work has long been controversial. Is a Darwinian theory of culture possible? If so, what should such a theory look like? In what ways should it differ from a theory of biological evolution? Does […]

LSE Philosophy graduates share secrets to their success

26 February 2016|

We invited some LSE Philosophy graduates to our latest careers evening and asked them to share the secrets to their success. Here’s what we found out.

WHO Director-General endorses “Making Fair Choices”

16 February 2016|

Making Fair Choices on the Path to Universal Health Coverage, a World Health Organization (WHO) report co-authored by Alex Voorhoeve, has been endorsed by WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan.

London under Attack

12 February 2016|

Susanne Burri explores some of the moral complexities of the WWII bombings.

Miklós Rédei at the 2016 BSPS Conference

8 February 2016|

Head of Department, Professor Miklós Rédei, will be one of three Plenary Speakers at the British Society for the Philosophy of Science Conference this summer.

Decision Theory with a Human Face

27 January 2016|

On 5 February 2016 this one day workshop will focus on themes from Prof Richard Bradley’s forthcoming book, Decision Theory with a Human Face.

Jeremy Taylor: “Your Body By Darwin”

19 January 2016|

Jeremy Taylor: “Your Body By Darwin”

An evolutionary understanding of our bodies throws new light on why we get ill and how to cure disease. Jeremy Taylor reveals compelling insights from the rapidly developing field of Darwinian medicine.

Jeremy Taylor has enjoyed a long career in BBC public broadcasting, specialising in science. Now a science writer, this lecture is […]

The Placebo Effect and Evidence-Based Policy

13 January 2016|

What’s so bad about the placebo effect? John Worrall examines the recent Nurofen labelling “scandal”.

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    Joint mathematics and philosophy reading group on game theory

Joint mathematics and philosophy reading group on game theory

13 January 2016|

We’re glad to announce the introduction of an interdisciplinary reading group on game theory, jointly organised by LSE Philosophy and the Department of Mathematics.