Ewan Rodgers

About Ewan Rodgers

Communications and Marketing Manager, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science. E.D.Rodgers@lse.ac.uk
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    4 October: Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture with Professor Daniel M. Hausman

    4 October: Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture with Professor Daniel M. Hausman

    22 September 2017|

    Daniel M. Hausman, Herbert A. Simon and Hilldale Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and co-founder of the journal Economics and Philosophy, will deliver this year’s Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture on 4 October.

      Reasons, Rationality, and Intentional Agency

      18 September 2017|

      On 29 September, this two-day interdisciplinary workshop will bring together philosophers, economists, and scholars from neighbouring disciplines to discuss issues ranging from new approaches to rational choice theory at one end of the spectrum to contributions concerning the metaphysics of intentionality and agency at the other.

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        Weathering catastrophic storms: the science and philosophy of hurricane prediction

        Weathering catastrophic storms: the science and philosophy of hurricane prediction

        4 September 2017|

        The science of predicting hurricanes is crucial for disaster management and insurance, but also raises difficult methodological and philosophical questions. In this post, Joe Roussos asks whether hurricane modellers should average the results from different models of hurricane frequency.

          LSE Philosophers’ articles among “ten best” in 2016

          24 August 2017|

          Papers by Luc Bovens and Alex Voorhoeve have been ranked among the ten best philosophy articles of 2016 by The Philosopher’s Annual.

            LSE Philosophy welcomes Mattia Gallotti

            6 July 2017|

            We’re pleased to announce the appointment of a new LSE Fellow in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Mattia Gallotti, who will be joining the Department in September.

              LSE Philosophy welcomes Owen Griffiths

              6 July 2017|

              We’re pleased to announce the appointment of a new LSE Fellow in Logic, Owen Griffiths, who will be joining the Department in September.

                Todd Karhu awarded 2017 Watkins Prize

                5 July 2017|

                We’re pleased to announce that Todd Karhu has been awarded the 2017 John Watkins Memorial Prize for his work on the wrongs of killing.

                  An Education in Diversity?

                  3 July 2017|

                  Can compulsory formal education be justified on liberal grounds? Christina Easton on J. S. Mill, John Rawls and the famous Wisconsin v. Yoder court case.

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                    Bridging the Gap: Scientific Imagination Meets Aesthetic Imagination

                    Bridging the Gap: Scientific Imagination Meets Aesthetic Imagination

                    12 June 2017|

                    On 5–6 October, this 2-day conference aims to connect work on artistic and scientific imagination, and to advance our understanding of the epistemic and heuristic roles that imagination can play.

                      The Last Hope Part 2: Dying Well and a World Without Me

                      12 June 2017|

                      In the second part of this series, Luc Bovens looks at a good death and a future without oneself.