Ewan Rodgers

About Ewan Rodgers

Communications and Marketing Manager, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science. E.D.Rodgers@lse.ac.uk
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    The Philosophy of Social Evolution Part 3: Relatedness, time and bacteria

The Philosophy of Social Evolution Part 3: Relatedness, time and bacteria

20 November 2017|

In the third installment in this series, Jonathan Birch looks at “horizontal transmission” and relatedness in bacteria.

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    Introducing philosophy to secondary schools with the Harris Experience

Introducing philosophy to secondary schools with the Harris Experience

15 November 2017|

Now into its 3rd year, LSE Philosophy’s work with the Harris Experience will continue into 2017/8 with our research students using short stories to introduce philosophy and ethics to secondary schools.

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    The Philosophy of Social Evolution Part 2: Relatedness and Altruism

The Philosophy of Social Evolution Part 2: Relatedness and Altruism

13 November 2017|

How can we explain the evolution of altruism? In part 2 of this series, Jonathan Birch considers “Hamilton’s Rule”.

Bryan Roberts awarded Leverhulme prize

10 November 2017|

Dr Bryan W. Roberts has been awarded a prestigious Philip Leverhulme Prize for his research on the philosophy and physics of observation.

2015 and 2016 Lakatos Award Lectures

9 November 2017|


2015 and 2016 Lakatos Award Lectures with Thomas Pradeu and Brian Epstein

Thomas Pradeau is a Senior Investigator in Philosophy of Science at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), he was awarded the 2015 Lakatos Award for his book The Limits of the Self: Immunology and Biological Identity. The book was praised by the Award Selectors as “a profound […]

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    Philosophy, Politics and Economics Conference in honour of Luc Bovens

Philosophy, Politics and Economics Conference in honour of Luc Bovens

8 November 2017|

On 7 December, this conference will bring together scholars from around the world to celebrate the work of Prof Bovens and his contributions to philosophy, politics and economics.

Alex Voorhoeve (LSE): “Egalitarianism under Ambiguity”

8 November 2017|


Alex Voorhoeve (LSE): “Egalitarianism under Ambiguity”

Decision-makers are in an ambiguous situation when they are not in a position to assign precise probabilities to all of the relevant possible outcomes of their actions. Such situations are common – novel medical treatments and policies addressing climate change are two examples. Many people respond to ambiguous situations in a cautious, or […]

  • Permalink Fruiting bodies of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (Photograph by Usman Bashir, CC-BY-SA 4.0 licensed)Gallery

    The Philosophy of Social Evolution Part 1: Altruism in Nature

The Philosophy of Social Evolution Part 1: Altruism in Nature

6 November 2017|

In the first installment of this five-part series, Jonathan Birch looks at biological altruism, a key concept from his new book The Philosophy of Social Evolution.

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    Out now: Decision Theory with a Human Face, by Richard Bradley

Out now: Decision Theory with a Human Face, by Richard Bradley

6 November 2017|

Professor Richard Bradley’s new book, Decision Theory with a Human Face, is available now from Cambridge University Press.

The Ant Trap: An Expert Workshop

2 November 2017|

On 10 November, this half-day workshop will explore some of the issues raised by Brian Epstein’s award-winning book, The Ant Trap.