Ewan Rodgers

About Ewan Rodgers

Communications and Marketing Manager, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science. E.D.Rodgers@lse.ac.uk
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    Fernand Gobet (LSE): “Automatic generation of scientific theories using genetic programming”

Fernand Gobet (LSE): “Automatic generation of scientific theories using genetic programming”

29 October 2019|


Fernand Gobet (LSE): “Automatic generation of scientific theories using genetic programming”

The aim of this research is to develop a novel way to use computers to ‘evolve’ scientific theories automatically. By using techniques based on genetic programming and simple building blocks (primitive cognitive mechanisms), theories are automatically built, evolved and tested.  I will present a system […]

The Naturalistic Case for Free Will, Part 1: The Challenge

22 October 2019|

Is there space for free will within a scientific worldview? In the first of this three part series, Christian List looks at free will scepticism and outlines his own compatibalist response.

Tom Herzberg (2018-2019)

18 October 2019|

Pursuing the Philosophy of Science MSc is a highly rewarding experience. The curriculum covers a fantastically wide range of areas. This allows you to tailor the programme to suit your own interests. For the mathematically inclined, there is ‘Set Theory and Further Logic’ and ‘Rationality and Choice’; for those interested in the natural sciences, there is ‘Einstein for Everyone’ […]

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    Stephen John (Cambridge HPS): “Epistemic risk paternalism”

Stephen John (Cambridge HPS): “Epistemic risk paternalism”

15 October 2019|


Stephen John (Cambridge HPS): “Epistemic risk paternalism”

A recent wave of work in philosophy of science has identified multiple points in the justificatory process at which scientists must make decisions involving “epistemic risk”. In turn, many have argued that these decisions must or should be decided by appeal to non-epistemic values. However, […]

Ash Kannan (2018–2019)

10 October 2019|

All things considered, this MSc has achieved nothing short of a miracle. You will be exposed to to some of the deepest questions unearthed in scientific pursuit. Not just at the surface level, but all the way down to the most subtle and nuanced arguments in each issue. At each step of the way, your teachers are there to stop […]

Pascal Meier (2018–2019)

10 October 2019|

Coming from law, I embarked on a MSc in Philosophy of Science with no background in either of these disciplines, neither philosophy nor science. It is thanks to the extraordinary dedication and outstanding competence of LSE’s professors and the teaching in a small class of brilliant and enthusiastic students that this adventure of mine was not only a success […]

Lorenzo Sartori (2018–2019)

10 October 2019|

Many things can be said about the London School of Economics, as well as concerning its Master in Philosophy of Science: the outstanding quality of lectures and seminars, the competence of professors and researchers, the opportunity to attend conferences held by the best scholars from all over the world, the undeniable opportunities for what concerns students’ academic or professional […]

Gabriel Nyberg (2018–2019)

10 October 2019|

My time at the LSE was a fantastic experience. For someone like me, who has always been interested in science and philosophy, the MSc Philosophy of Science programme was superb. The curriculum allows you to tackle issues from several levels of abstraction – from general questions such as whether our best scientific theories represent reality to whether a specific […]

Ellis Alia (2018–2019)

10 October 2019|

Studying for the MSc in Philosophy of Science is the best thing I’ve ever done. My experience was life changing. The ideas covered in some of the modules that I took, such as PH400 Philosophy of Science, PH430 Einstein for Everyone, PH427 Genes, Brains & Society, are deep and important. In my view, I may only come to realise […]

Lakatos Award Expert Workshop with Henk W. de Regt

1 October 2019|

On 21 November, this half-day workshop will address issues raised by Henk W. de Regt’s Lakatos Award-winning book, Understanding Scientific Understanding.