Ewan Rodgers

About Ewan Rodgers

Communications and Marketing Manager, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science. E.D.Rodgers@lse.ac.uk

Nicolas Cote awarded Popper Prize

3 July 2020|

We’re pleased to announce that PhD student Nicolas Cote has been awarded the 2019-20 Popper Prize.

Postgraduate Conference on Science & Society

3 July 2020|

From 11–13 September this online student conference will address philosophical issues in science and society, and the interactions between them.

Nicholas Shea wins the 2020 Lakatos Award

2 July 2020|

LSE is pleased to announce the winner of the 2020 Lakatos Award.

Out of the Vat #7 – Philip Goff

26 June 2020|

Philip Goff is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Durham University. In this episode, Philip discusses everything from panpsychism and the problem of consciousness to Philip Pullman and talking philosophy on the high seas…

Keeping Close to Home: Communities and Contagion

16 June 2020|

What is the influence of community on public health? Katherine Furman considers some of the social aspects of the pandemic.

Now Open: LSE Virtual Undergraduate Open Day

3 June 2020|

Visit LSE’s Virtual Undergraduate Open Day pages now for all the information you need to apply to study with us in 2021, 2022 and beyond.

Immunity Testing: Our passport out of lockdown?

2 June 2020|

Immunity testing has been touted as one of the best ways to escape lockdown, but just how accurate will these tests have to be? Richard Bradley and Liam Kofi Bright look at inductive risk and policy-making during the pandemic.

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    Coronavirus and 5G towers: Why do people believe weird sh*t?

Coronavirus and 5G towers: Why do people believe weird sh*t?

19 May 2020|

With fake news and disinformation seemingly thriving during the COVID-19 pandemic, J. McKenzie Alexander looks at the epistemology and psychology of fringe beliefs.

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    Ali Boyle (Cambridge): “Don’t Ask: Classification in Comparative Cognitive Science”

Ali Boyle (Cambridge): “Don’t Ask: Classification in Comparative Cognitive Science”

12 May 2020|


Ali Boyle (Cambridge): “Don’t Ask: Classification in Comparative Cognitive Science”

Many projects in comparative cognitive science (which I mean to include research in both comparative psychology and artificial intelligence) are structured around what I’ll call ‘classificatory questions’ – that is, questions about whether nonhuman cognitive systems have the same cognitive capacities as humans. These projects […]

Meeting our offer holders virtually

27 April 2020|

We’re pleased to announce a series of innovative online offer holder events for undergraduate and taught master’s students, to take place over the coming weeks.