
About lacurie

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So far lacurie has created 215 entries.

Daniel Ellsberg: Real Life Decision Theory

27 June 2023|

The world recently lost Daniel Ellsberg, famous for leaking the Pentagon Papers in 1971. Ellsberg will be remembered within philosophy for a paradox in decision theory. Nikhil Venkatesh explores the connection between this paradox and his momentous decision to leak the Papers.

Ellsberg’s Life

Many philosophers have put themselves on the wrong side of the authorities. At the birth of […]

Apply now! Ethics of AI Masterclass

27 June 2023|

Develop the tools and skills to practise ethical reasoning and manage the diverse impacts of AI on individuals and society – with content by Kate Vredenburgh and Thomas Ferretti, lead by Paola Romero.

As artificial intelligence (AI) adoption becomes more commonplace, so do questions of the ethics surrounding the design and implementation of it. In order to critically assess […]

Animal Liberation Now: Book Review by Jonathan Birch

26 June 2023|

LSE Philosophy Associate Professor Jonathan Birch has reviewed Peter Singer’s latest book ‘Animal Liberation Now’. The review has now been published in Nature.

Peter Singer’s book ‘Animal Liberation’ was first published 1975. The book delivers reports on animal suffering caused by intensive-farming systems. Almost 50 years later, Singer wrote an updated edition called ‘Animal Liberation Now’ in which he […]

Video online: How is AI Changing the World?

26 June 2023|

How does change affect people? How do people effect change? Those were the big questions of the LSE Festival 2023. The video of the panel ‘How is AI Changing the World?’ including Thomas Ferretti (former LSE Philosophy Fellow) is now available online!

The sudden rise of ChatGPT has confirmed that artificial intelligence is no longer a technology of the […]

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    ‘A Woman First and a Philosopher Second’: New paper by Ella Whiteley

‘A Woman First and a Philosopher Second’: New paper by Ella Whiteley

22 June 2023|

‘A Woman First and a Philosopher Second’: Relative Attentional Surplus on the Wrong Property – The new paper by LSE Philosophy Fellow Ella Whiteley has now been published in the journal Ethics.

About the paper: One theme in complaints from those with marginalized social identities is that they are seen primarily in terms of that identity. Some Black artists, […]

New Article on Insect Welfare Published in PLOS Biology

2 June 2023|

CPNSS researchers Andrew Crump and Jonathan Birch and colleagues have now published their new article ‘Is it time for insect researchers to consider their subjects’ welfare?’ in PLOS Biology.

About the article: Insect researchers are rarely asked to think about their subjects’ welfare. However, most people agree that humans should, where feasible, at least consider the welfare of animals […]

Open Position: LSE Fellow in Philosophy

25 May 2023|

LSE Philosophy is searching for an LSE Fellow in Philosophy. Application deadline: 12 June 2023.

This is a fixed term appointment for 24 months commencing from September 2023.

Candidates should have

  • A completed PhD in Philosophy or another relevant discipline (or a PhD near completion) by the post start date;
  • A developing, high-quality research record in Philosophy relevant to the […]
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    LSE Philosophy at the LSE Festival 2023: Tickets now online!

LSE Philosophy at the LSE Festival 2023: Tickets now online!

15 May 2023|

Kieran Oberman (Associate Professor) and Thomas Ferretti (former LSE Philosophy Fellow) will take part in the upcoming LSE Festival. The festival takes place from 12-17 June 2023. Tickets for the programme are now available!

How does change affect people? How do people effect change? The LSE Festival 2023 will take place from Monday 12 to Saturday 17 June 2023. […]

CPNSS News: New Publication by Rosalind Arden

11 May 2023|

Rosalind Arden, Research Fellow at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), and Theodore Hill (Georgia Institute of Technology) have now published their new paper ‘Recurring Errors in Studies of Gender Differences in Variability’ in the journal ‘Stats’.

About the paper:

Charles Darwin noticed that in some species, in some traits, males were more variable than females. Since […]

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    Majestic Tigers: New paper by CPNSS Research Fellow Rosalind Arden

Majestic Tigers: New paper by CPNSS Research Fellow Rosalind Arden

21 April 2023|

Rosalind Arden, Research Fellow at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), and colleagues have now published their new paper ‘Majestic tigers: personality structure in the great Amur cat’ in the journal ‘Royal Society Open Science’.

“Our research shows that tigers can be understood through two key personality features and how they rate for each. All […]