CPNSS Research Fellow Fernand Gobet and Christopher Connolly (Sporting Bodymind Ltd) have published their new book ‘Transition Expertise and Identity: A Study of Individuals Who Succeeded Repeatedly in Life and Career Transitions’ with Cambridge University Press.

About the book:

This book is the product of a multi-year research project into how expert performers in sport, music, and business are able to make successful career transitions repeatedly to senior levels in their field. It examines the roles of motivation, cognitive flexibility, personal intelligence, generative thinking, and contextual intelligence in this process. It further shows how identity changes and adapts during a career transition and how self concept evolves over the course of a career.

The book provides a systematic review of relevant academic literature and analyzes in-depth interviews with key expert performers. The extensive use of verbatim statements and stories bring the theory alive and make the book accessible to non-academic readers.

Link to the book.