1. Why did you choose LSE and the programme?

I wanted to engage in philosophical debates surrounding contemporary social and economic issues in order to reimagine a more just society. The Philosophy of the Social Sciences MSc at LSE was particularly well-suited to my interests and goals given its interdisciplinary approach and emphasis on socially relevant research.

2. Which aspects of your studies were the most beneficial for your professional as well as personal development?

I came into the programme with a lot of questions. To what extent is freedom possible under capitalism? Do those born into poverty, lacking access to sufficient basic necessities, have truly viable choices? Current levels of economic inequality seem objectionable, but is the ideal alternative pure equality? I feel that this programme gave me the language to articulate my questions and concerns, and to situate these concerns within the relevant philosophical literature. This has been hugely valuable for me on a personal level.

3. What is your fondest memory of your time here?

After having worked remotely for the last few years, I really enjoyed the opportunity to attend classes in person and to socialise with my classmates on campus. I particularly enjoyed my class seminars – my studies really benefited from these collaborative discussions with a small group of students and the professor. I felt that everyone was very down-to-earth, creating a comfortable environment in which to ask questions and exchange ideas.

4. Why would you recommend studying at LSE and the Philosophy department in particular?

LSE has a lot to offer: in-person classes and seminars, frequent talks, social events, and the opportunity to pursue independent research. So much was fit into this year of study. I particularly valued the diversity of the programme and the opportunity to meet students who were different ages, came from different countries, and had different work/life experiences – and yet who were connected by common interests.

5. Your LSE experience in your own words:

Immersive, thought-provoking, challenging, perspective-broadening