We are pleased to welcome Suzanne Bloks to LSE Philosophy, who will join us in September 2024 as Post Doc (Research Officer).

Suzanne will work as research officer in the ‘Cohesion and Deliberative Decision-Making’ project of the Cohesive Capitalism programme, funded by the Open Society Foundation. She wrote her PhD thesis in Philosophy in the DFG-funded PPE graduate program ‘Collective Decision-Making’ at Hamburg University. Her PhD thesis explored the relationship between democratic boundaries, territorial rights and territorial presence, with a particular focus on the boundaries of the demos and of electoral districts. Suzanne holds Master’s degrees in Philosophy, Law and Mathematics from Leiden University, Utrecht University and LSE. She aspires to bring a unique perspective to questions in democratic theory by integrating ideas and perspectives from social choice, game theory and legal philosophy. Her publications can be found on her personal website.

More about the ‘Cohesion and Deliberative Decision-Making’ project.