Bryan W. Roberts and Nicholas J. Teh, a philosopher of physics at the University of Natre Dame, have been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation grant for their forthcoming project on the nature of observation in science.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is a United States government agency that supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering, primarily through the issuing of its highly competitive grants.
We’re very pleased to announce that Bryan Roberts and his colleague Nicholas Teh from the University of Notre Dame have been awarded an NSF Grant for their forthcoming project on the nature of observation in science. As Roberts writes, the project is a “remarkable international collaboration on one of the really deep questions of physics and philosophy: what is an observation?”
The grant-funded research will run until August 2019 and will involve both specialist and public events here at LSE and at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.
Keep an eye on our website for further announcements about this exciting new project!
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