Dr. Richard Stevens Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR) Universiteit van Amsterdam Oude Hoogstraat 24 1012 CE Amsterdam Netherlands Telephone: +31 20 525 3130/3680 (work) Fax: +31 20 525 3681 (work) Email: stevens@pscw.uva.nl Web links: http://www.pscw.uva.nl/ascor http://www.emtel2.org |
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The project involves a partnership between ASCoR and TNO (Delft) in examining how citizens use the web to participate in the development of their cities. It uses a comparative analysis of websites and citizens in Manchester and Amsterdam, focusing on the consultation process in major construction projects.
Salford’s GEMISIS 2000 project brought 30 doctoral researchers, local government and industry partners together to investigate the role of ICT in the regeneration of Greater Manchester. My project focused on the role of citizen participation in Internet content development for public health.
STEVENS, RJ (2000) Eat the view: promoting sustainable local produce. Report: Newsletter of the UK Public Health Organisation. Issue 5 p7.
STEVENS, RJ (2000) Developing effective health websites: a participative approach. PhD thesis, University of Salford, Salford, UK.
STEVENS, RJ (1999) A stakeholder matrix for effective web design. Journal of Medical Internet Research 1 (1) Supp 1 1999 - Proceedings of Mednet99 World Conference of the Internet in Medicine, Heidelberg, Germany, September 18-21.
STEVENS, RJ (1998c) Effective access to healthcare research evidence in the new information media. Proceedings of WebNet98 World Conference of the WWW, Internet and Intranet. Orlando, Florida, USA, November 7-12 1998. Published by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
STEVENS, RJ (1998b) Health information for clinicians and community. University of Manchester/Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust R&D Conference: A celebration of Achievement and Potential through Research and Development. Hope Hospital, 8-9 September.
STEVENS, RJ (1998a) Health information for clinicians and community: the Salford Diabetes Care WWW project. Advances in Clinical Knowledge Management, British Medical Informatics Society/Health Libraries Group, University College London, 15 May.