London skyline at dusk

EGMiM Alumni Profiles

Executive Global Master’s in Management alumni - read their stories

"The EGMiM truly embraced what the LSE stands for - "to understand the causes of things". The academic rigour with which the programme is taught is truly immersive and helps you approach global Management holistically."

Aleksandar Simoski, EGMiM2022

LSE’s cutting edge alternative to an MBA, the Executive Global Master's in Management (EGMiM) provides an optimum balance between intelligent critical thinking and real-world practice. Read about our alumni and their experience of the programme below.

Whilst we celebrate the last decade of EGMiM, we also look to the future of the programme at LSE and how we will continue to grow as a high-achieving, globally recognised institution, providing executive education in the centre of London. 

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Balnur Shonatayeva - Story #1 

A finance professional and EGMiM alumna with 10 years experience in the oil and gas sector. Already a Certified Chartered Accountant prior to joining LSE, Balnur wanted to accelerate her plans by joining the EGMiM programme after her sister’s incredible experience. 

 Read Balnur's Story


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Valentin Janiaut - Story #2 

Working for LG Electronics as a Program Manager for their Vehicle Components Company, Valentin felt that EGMiM strengthened his engineering values and desire to learn more about how management and business work. Fast forward to today and Valentin is now building his own team of Technical Account Managers to achieve the companies goals. 

 Read Valentin's Story


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Isabell Faad - Story #3 

An entrepreneur and innovator in the medical education industry, Isabell co-founded Winglet - the Netflix for Doctors and Healthcare Professionals - in 2016. Since graduating from our EGMiM programme, Isabell strives to ensure that Winglet becomes the #1 platform for medical education.

 Read Isabell's Story


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Susan Allen Augustin - Story #4

Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Open Society Foundation and Co-founder of Here We Flo - Susan reflects on her time studying EGMiM with fond memories of blossoming friendships, priceless experiences and even forming an EGMiM band, The Moodles! 

 Read Susan's Story



Edward Tseng - Story #5 

Our Class of 2014 EGMiM graduate, Edward Tseng, now fronts Re-Teck - one of the largest reverse supply chain management service providers in the Technology, Electronics and Telecom (TET) sector. For Edward, it was EGMiM that helped him see the world from a whole new perspective!

 Read Edward's Story


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Camila Triana - Story #6 

Now Regional Director of Latin America's Make-A-Wish International Foundation, Camila reflects on just how vital her EGMiM experience was in aiding her career and broadening her perspective. 

 Read Camila's Story


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Trevor Wills - Story #7 

For EGMiM alumnus, Trevor Wills, the EGMiM experience was key in shifting his perspective on the art of the possible! Now the Chief Operating Officer at Pulse Clean Energy, a UK based company focused on providing energy system stability, Trevor takes us through his journey since EGMiM where he has served as a founder, and lead the development of a new business. 

 Read Trevor's Story


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Rakesh Jha - Story #8 

Rakesh currently practices as a Financial Services Consultant in the space of Capital Markets and Wealth Management. For Rakesh, the EGMiM programme helped him refresh his concepts in a completely different setting and context.

 Read Rakesh's Story


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Farah Emara - Story #9 

For Farah, the EGMiM programme gave her the necessary skills to start her own company in Egypt. Farah is now the Co-Founder and CEO of FreshSource - the first B2B agri-supply chain platform in the MENA region. Read Farah's story to find out what a typical day is like for her, why she chose the programme, and where she sees her business in 5 years time. 

 Read Farah's Story


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Jozsef Blasko - Story #10 

The EGMiM programme came to Jozsef during a break in his career. Having only worked for one company in Human Resources prior to joining LSE, Jozsef wanted a programme to facilitate his thinking regarding his career direction going forward. For him, the EGMiM programme reignited his professional purpose and introduced him to a world beyond HR. 

 Read Jozsef's Story



EGMiM 2024

Eve Rabin Wasserman_1

Eve Rabin Wasserman 


Global Marketing Director, PepsiCo 

Completing the EGMiM program has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The program offered a unique opportunity for me to grow my career and pursue a continued education simultaneously. The global exposure of EGMiM was the most impactful aspect of the program, allowing me to learn about international nuances in business across multiple industries with practical application to my role at PepsiCo. The LSE attracts top-tier faculty and diverse students, creating an incredible network of friends and mentors. Completing this program will undoubtedly elevate my career progression in the future with a keen understanding of the evolving global business landscape, along with the added benefit of amazing colleagues, mentors and friends around the world. 




EGMiM 2023

LSE_Manag_headshots_2022_019_Catalina Troncoso Rojas

Catalina Troncoso Rojas


Director of Financing, WherEX

My experience at LSE was a life-changing one. It was not only an opportunity to acquire knowledge from experts in their field, but most importantly, it took me to two years and a half journey of adventures where I met tremendous persons and shared insightful moments full of colors, sounds, and vibes from all over the world, something that is not that common coming from Chile. Professionally, it has allowed me to see organizations at their entire complexity but systemic singularity, developing a new sense of how to work within companies and how to perform among teams and people.



LSE_Manag_headshots_2022_014_Colleen Osborne

Colleen Osborne


Director, Corporate Banking, RBC Capital Markets

Having worked in both the U.S. and U.K., I found that EGMiM taught me to work more effectively with diverse teams on cross-border transactions, as well as what it means to lead in a global capacity. The banking industry is not exactly renowned for its promotion of leadership capabilities, and as someone keen to manage international teams and differentiate my skill set in this regard, the program proved immensely impactful.



EGMiM 2022

Ruchita daswani

Dr Ashot Davoyan


Founder & CEO, Economic Development Lab

As one of the top universities in the world, the London School of Economics and Political Science provides a unique opportunity to see the world as an economist and my program, EGMiM, provided me with clarity and confidence in what I really wanted at the current stage of my career.



Ashot Davoyan

Dr Ashot Davoyan


Founder & CEO, Economic Development Lab

As one of the top universities in the world, the London School of Economics and Political Science provides a unique opportunity to see the world as an economist and my program, EGMiM, provided me with clarity and confidence in what I really wanted at the current stage of my career.




Nunzio Ferrulli


Chief Institutional and Regulatory Affairs Officer, Italgas S.p.A.,

Chairman, italgas Reti spa and Depa Infrastrutture S.A.

Studying at the LSE for me was a way to broaden my business perspective while engaging with classmates and faculty in discussions, working together on group projects, and applying your education to real-world situations with a culminating capstone or thesis. I decided to join the EGMiM program after a few years of work experience, ready to build upon the knowledge I’ve already gained in the workplace and fast-track my career development.



Simon Fritschi

Simon Fritschi


Head of Finance & Strategy, responsAbility Investments AG

EGMiM enabled me to study together with a truly diverse and global group of people. This was key to me for getting a better understanding of different cultures, industries and backgrounds. Having dedicated blocks to study, and being physically in London helped us to grew together as group in a surprisingly fast time. While the program was interrupted and impacted by a global pandemic, it was for me a very interesting case study of how people and organisations react on such an event. Additionally, I was able to use my dissertation to further connect myself with local experts.



Tatiana Kononovich

Tatiana Kononovich


SVP, Business Transformation at Exinity

The EGMiM programme has had a significant impact on my professional growth and development. It has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of various business functions and how they interconnect, allowing me to analyse complex business problems and develop effective solutions. 

In addition, the experience of studying during the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me to be resilient, adaptable, and proactive in navigating challenges. The programme's emphasis on real-world business challenges has enabled me to apply my newly acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical problems faced by organizations.

Most importantly, the programme has enabled me to build a valuable network of like-minded professionals from diverse backgrounds, who have provided me with inspiration, motivation, and support. I am grateful for this experience and believe that it has equipped me with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in my career.



Yarissa Matos Soto

Yarissa Matos-Soto


Principal, The Public Health Company

The EGMiM program provides the ability to assess the social, political, and economic interplay on business interactions within our current complex world. When I joined the program – I hoped to break away from the conventional, dichotomous way of thinking about business models - those that are profit-seeking and those that are not. I firmly believe the time has come for a new way of doing business that is sustainable and contributes to societal good. Upon my departure, I can attest that I have developed a nuanced manner of assessing business situations that drove innovation and creative problem-solving across my daily activities.  Even though the program was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic - the most enjoyable part was my classmates and professors. The diverse viewpoints and the ability to slack/text/WhatsApp to get the on-the-ground reality would have not been possible without completing this program. I have a tribe now, and we are always planning global reunions and when I travel abroad, I always have a contact nearby.



Jordan Shaw Young

Jordan Shaw-Young


Vice President, BlueVoyant

EGMiM managed to strike the right balance between theory and practical application that I was looking for in a management programme. The class was sharp, motivated, and brought broad international experience into the coursework that is difficult to find at that level anywhere else. 



Aleks Simoski

Aleksandar Simoski

Zurich, Switzerland

Global Head of Investor Relations and Strategic Controlling, BREITLING SA

The EGMiM programme has had a profound impact on my professional career in two ways. Firstly, the programme truly embraced what the LSE stands for - “to understand the causes of things”. The academic rigour with which the programme is taught is truly immersive and helps you approach global Management holistically. This instills a thought-provoking process that constantly challenges the status quo. Secondly, the value of the (two Covid-induced) cohort(s) was immense. I could benefit from the exchanges in the study groups with seasoned professionals from diverse and multicultural backgrounds. Combining the two factors together has shaped me as a professional and helped me start a new role after the programme.



EGMiM 2021

Corey Green

Corey Green


Managing Director, Aon

The EGMiM program has given me an education that would be hard to match. From the interesting and applicable learnings to the experiences with a diverse network of classmates, the program has made more a more effective and well-rounded professional.



Eve Mamane

Eve Lise Mamane


Co-Founder & Chief Revenue Officer, Agave Health

The LSE's EGMiM was a great stepping stone in bringing me to the next stage in my career. The degree, thanks to both the curriculum and folks I met in it, allowed me to expand and deepen my knowledge in how to build and manage a company. Completing the degree shortly before founding my company was extremely helpful and allowed me to be better prepared to make the jump from employee to entrepreneur.



Alejandro Lopz

Alejandro Lopez Miranda


Content Marketing Manager EMEA and LATAM, Meta

EGMiM has been pivotal for my career. Coming from Argentina, LSE's brand and the knowledge I gained allowed me to land a job at Meta and settle in the UK.




Balnur Shonatayeva   


Mergers & Acquisitions, TELUS

When I applied to the EGMiM programme I was already in search of something transformational. I knew that for my next big leap in personal and professional development I needed an external force to push me out of my comfort zone. And that is exactly what I got! Knowledge from the professors and shared experience with my diverse cohort expanded my horizons and made the world bigger. That fuelled me with inspiration and courage to go after what I always wanted and do so with much confidence.




Yasmin Solomon


During my first module, an EGMIM alumni advised getting comfortable with discomfort and practicing patience, noting that the program quietly continues enriching your life long after you graduate. I took that advice to heart! I have made friends with an international cohort with whom I look forward to maintaining lifelong relationships. The professors expanded my knowledge such that the lens through which I view the world continues to take on new perspectives, and the EGMiM’s holistic approach helped me identify a sense of purpose and build confidence that continues to grow.



EGMiM 2020

Abraham Monroy

Abraham Monroy Zermeño


CFO, Red de Colegios Semper Altius

Studying the EGMiM at LSE was a life-changing story. The experience of meeting with so many different cultures and backgrounds when approaching to solve different problems during the program was enriching and usually enhanced my thinking outside the box or thinking from different perspectives for a solution. Your own horizons will expand. The EGMiM made me approach life with critical thinking and pushed me to look for new ways of solving a problem.

During EGMiM, I met extraordinary people from whom I learnt every day.


Margaret Riley

Margaret Riley


General Manager - Water and Optimisation, John Holland

EGMiM’s impact on my personal and professional life was both immediately felt and immensely positive. For me the greatest benefits came from the opportunity to become part of a global learning community, making connections across a cohort with diverse experiences and backgrounds in the setting of a global city. New perspectives, ideas and insights as well as practice grounded in sound theory I know will continue to serve me as I go forward.



Christina V Tsironi

Christina V. Tsironi

Greece / Italy


Following my LSE EGMiM, I completed my MSc in Architectural Design and I am currently a PhD candidate at the National School of Architecture, a school that I am extremely proud of, combing my work experience in management along with my research on clusters in urban environments during the EGMiM. 

LSE has been an inspiration. The interaction with faculty such as Professor Om Narasimhan, my Professor of Marketing, his intelligence and kindness, and the unforgettable trip to India constitute a valuable experience. LSE EGMiM: A unique experience, not to be missed …



Katie Vander Ark

Katie Vander Ark


CEO, LendTech

The EGMiM program was a critical part of my mid-career transition. I was focused on deepening my professional skills in a niche financial sector. Upon graduating, I was able to secure a position in Corporate Development where I used my courses such as Managerial Economics, Statistics, and Strategy directly in my work daily. In 2022, I left my job in Finance and started a new software company called LendTech. As a CEO, I am implementing what I learned across the entirety of the program. The EGMiM program is a perfect updated degree for entrepreneurs, mid-career transitions, and those focused on developing their global management skills.



EGMiM 2019


Marina Arnaout



When I applied to the EGMiM programme it was because I wanted a transformative experience that would elevate my professional and personal journey. Years after LSE, I continue to build an exciting career in technology, playing an active role in leading strategic commercial partnerships, working with leaders in some of the UK’s largest enterprises and helping them through organisational transformation, embracing AI and setting up for sustainable growth.


Read her story




Jürg Arpagaus

Prof. Dr. Jürg Arpagaus


Director, Institute Further Education and Services at University of Teacher Education Bern

After completing the EGMiM, I took on the new position as head of the Institute for Further Education and Services at the PHBern. Studying at the LSE not only gave me the routine to deal with scientifically sound business and management literature so that new challenges can be tackled with evidence-based information, dealing with heterogeneity in a pluralized society was also an important experience during my studies and has had a lasting impact on my way of working.



Morten Brunn

Morten Bruun


VP, Global Operations at Worksome

My top 3 take-aways from EGMiM are 1) network, 2) insights and 3) global outlook. The network has by far had the most important impact for me as I’ve gotten to meet really talented and amazing people through the program. Secondly, LSE has incredible insightful professors and course material, which taught me a lot about management and leadership. Lastly, the global outlook of EGMiM gave me really deep perspectives from our trips to India and China - both professionally and personally.



Ali Mermerciouglu

Ali Can Mermercioglu


Trader, ADM

EGMiM allowed me to acquire a diverse network and lifelong friendships, while attending challenging courses that helped me to become well-rounded.



Mubashir Qureshi

Muhammad Mubashir Qureshi, PhD 


General Manager (Regional Office North Pakistan)

It was a wonderful experience to enhance my managerial/leadership skills in a multicultural environment in one of the best schools on this planet Earth. The skills I gained during my Master’s degree helped me to enhance my career. The EGMiM program design is a best fit for working professionals for getting a mix of theoretical and case study based learning.




Daisy Yuan

Yiding Yuan


Finance Manager of Investment Banking Department, Huaxia Bank

Being part of EGMiM helped me to get a broad range of skills that are transferrable across multiple industries and see the world from a new perspective. In our complex world, hardly any challenge you encounter has a black and white solution. With the EGMiM, I learnt how to navigate the shades of grey by developing my critical thinking skills. The course also broadened my network. It was a pleasant surprise to make friends with people from the Middle East, America and Canada etc. I have graduated with a wonderful network. I also really liked the Leadership course, because learning how to be a leader and manage a team are critical to success in business. The whole faculty and staff of EGMiM could not be sweeter, studying at the LSE is an incredible experience for most.




EGMiM 2018

Shae Armstrong

Shae Armstrong


Partner, Bradley Arant Boult & Cummings LLP

By leveraging the LSE experience (including areas in finance, accounting, global operations, and geopolitics) has allowed me to apply a business-oriented approach to my law practice that focuses on efficiently and strategically achieving clients’ objectives wherever they are in the world.



Rebecca Christiansen

Rebecca Christiansen


Director of eCommerce, Anheuser-Busch InBev

Attending the London School of Economics EGMiM program greatly impacted my career. The diverse student body and challenging coursework helped me develop my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The networking opportunities also proved valuable, as they helped me secure a great job in digital marketing at Anheuser-Busch InBev. The program has been instrumental in my professional development and has opened up numerous doors for my career. Overall, I am grateful for the experience and believe it has set me up for success in my future endeavours.



Ben Colton

Benjamin Colton


Global Head of Asset Stewardship, State Street Global Advisors

EGMiM impacted my life through the unique relationships that I developed over the course of the programme. For example, every student came from different backgrounds and completed at least two modules together outside of our respective home countries. The diversity of the cohort, coupled with the format of the programme, helped us all establish bonds that are sure to last a life-time.



Bill Elman

Bill Elman


Director, International School of Ulaanbaatar

The EGMiM programme gave me more sophisticated tools for understanding and navigating the international context in which I work.



Patrick Hallberg

Patrick Hallberg


Marketing and Operations, Apple

EGMiM was a game-changer for me in many ways: it provided me with a global business perspective, taught me key frameworks, provided me with a skillset that I regularly employ in my professional and personal life, but beyond all, it taught me to ask “why?” To understand the context before applying the concept. Most importantly, however, I loved the diversity of thought (and nationalities in the classroom!) and I left LSE with life-long friends.



Vera Nicotre

Vera Nicotra


EGMiM has impacted my life in several ways and among the most important ones are real connections with students I can now call friends, a truly global networking, and the learning of subjects providing a solid understanding of companies’ complexity and challenging environments. Professors and educational material are top class.



Shalini Prakash

Shalini Prakash


Startup Investor

I loved interacting with the faculty which helped me enhance my overall skills and knowledge. It was a good opportunity to meet diverse people in my cohort from different fields and understand their nature and way of thinking.



Jen Thompson

 Jennifer Thomson


Chief Growth Officer, MachineMax

EGMiM was an excellent program with a life-long impact. I learnt a lot, went to some awesome places and made amazing friends.



Daniel Weilenmann

Daniel Weilenmann


Head of Interest Rates and Foreign Exchange IRFX – Global Markets Corporate Sales, BNP Paribas Switzerland

Member of the Swiss Foreign Exchange Committee SFXC, Swiss National Bank

Completing the EGMiM and graduating from the LSE has played a crucial role in my life and career. Applying managerial economics and other methods in order to take business decisions, and understanding an organization and the interaction of its stakeholders is instrumental for any successful career in the corporate world. Learning about leadership and values, and having access to a vast LSE Alumni network are additional factors that helped me a lot in any aspect of life.



EGMiM 2017

Elisabeth Prager

Elisabeth Prager


Co-founder, Alia Money

When reflecting, EGMiM was an obvious choice for me. I was looking for further education that was based in theory and grounded in hands-on experience. A further criterion for me, was that I didn’t want to take a whole year or two out of work to do it… especially as a woman I felt it would be better for my career to study and keep my career progressing. 

Read her story


Mariel Davis

Mariel Davis


Co-founder, Spokn

EGMiM was the perfect blend of theory and practice - an MBA equivalent for deeply curious people.  I loved that I was able to complete the degree while still working full time, so I could immediately apply the concepts that we learned in real-world situations.    



Emiliuo Di Maggio

Emilio Di Maggio


Senior Account Manager, ExxonMobil

The EGMiM enabled my transition from a technical role into a business role, made it a success and boosted my career path as manager. It also significantly broadened my network, my perspectives, and my ambitions, which motivated me to be involved in projects and activities beyond my current profession.



Venkat Mothkur

Venkat Mothkur, MD, MScM, MHCM


Healthcare Executive

EGMiM provides a truly global perspective, effectively positioning students for career development on a global scale, in any discipline. My focus is healthcare, and my experience in the program primed me for various global healthcare leadership and consulting engagements. Further, the insights that I gained through studying abroad afforded me a new lens with which to understand the challenges and opportunities at home. Finally, I have gained a network of teachers, peers, and life-long friends all around the world.   



Fabio Norcini

Fabio Norcini



My professional goal before doing the EGMiM was to reach a general management position. Therefore, at the EGMiM I wanted to deepen my knowledge of general management topics with respect to my purely financial background. EGMiM helped me achieve my professional goal.


EGMiM 2016

Olivia Nelson

Olivia Nielsen


Principal, Miyamoto International

EGMiM has enabled me to push my career in international development to the next level, while maximizing my impact in emerging markets. Before the master's, I had a background in post-disaster reconstruction with technical knowledge of humanitarian assistance interventions. EGMiM taught me how to leverage the world of business, finance and economics to develop better and more fiscally sustainable programs in both pre and post-disaster settings.



EGMiM 2015

Susan Augustin

Susan C. Allen Augustin


Co-founder, Here We Flo

EGMiM really allowed me to take my career to the next level. I was able to use the research from my dissertation to propose a strategy to my organisation that ultimately led to my designing and implementing its global diversity, equity and inclusion strategy. One relocation and three promotions later, I can honestly say that EGMiM allowed me the space to identify and accelerate my career advancement in a way I couldn’t have achieved without it.



EGMiM 2014

Miguel Darte

Miguel Duarte


Partner, EY-Parthenon



Michelle Velan

Michelle Velan


Founder, Wondersource

The EGMiM journey added extraordinary value to my career, providing greater insights into the business world and access to a global high-value network and community that will last a lifetime. My experience at LSE further cemented my understanding and appreciation for people’s different styles, ways of working, and collaborating to create successful outcomes.




Follow us on our Department of Management social media pages for the latest updates, and even share your own personal stories with us from your time on the programme!



