Professor Richard  Steinberg

Professor Richard Steinberg

Chair in Operations Research

Department of Management

+44 (0)20 7106 1207
Room No
MAR 6.05
Key Expertise
Auctions and mechanism design, Internet economics

About me

Professor Steinberg is Chair in Operations Research.  He is a member of the Managerial Economics and Strategy Group within the Department of Management.  Formerly, he was Faculty Group Lead for the Operations Management Group in the Department. 

Before arriving at LSE, he held faculty positions at the University of Cambridge, Columbia University, and the University of Chicago.  He was also Visiting Associate Professor at Stanford University, and has served as Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories. 

Professor Steinberg has published in Management Science, Operations Research, Games and Economic Behavior, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Information Systems Research, Transportation Science, Journal of Economic Literature, and Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B.  He served as Associate Editor at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management from 2002 to 2018.

He is the editor (together with Peter Cramton and Yoav Shoham) of the book Combinatorial Auctions published by MIT Press. 

Professor Steinberg has consulted on combinatorial spectrum auctions to the US Federal Communications Commission, the UK National Audit Office, and Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Canada.  He has consulted on environmental auction design to the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Directorate-General for Climate Action of the European Commission.

View CV (PDF)


Combinatorial Auctions in Practice” (with I. Palacios-Huerta and D. Parkes), Journal of Economic Literature 62, 2 (2024), 517-553.

Competing Combinatorial Auctions” (with T. Kittsteiner and M. Ott), Information Systems Research 33, 4 (2022), 1130-1137.

Pricing, Competition and Content for Internet Service Providers” (with P. Key), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28, 5 (2020), 2285-2298

Maximizing Social Welfare in Congestion Games via Redistribution” (with V. Naroditskiy), Games and Economic Behavior 93 (2015), 24-41.

Congestion-Dependent Pricing and Forward Contracts for Complementary Segments of a Communication Network” (with M. Reiter), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 20, 2 (2012), 436-449.

Auction Pricing,” Chapter 27 (pp. 679-712) in: O. Ozer and R. Phillips, eds., Oxford Handbook of Pricing Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Progressive Adaptive User Selection Environment (PAUSE) Auction Procedure,” pp. 4253-4262 in: James J. Cochran, ed., Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 6, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Congestion Pricing and Non-Cooperative Games in Communication Networks” (with A. Ganesh and K. Laevens), Operations Research 55, 3 (2007), 430-438.

An Overview of Combinatorial Auctions” (with P. Cramton and Y. Shoham), ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 7, 1 (2007), 3-14.

A Contract and Balancing Mechanism for Sharing Capacity in a Communication Network” (with E. Anderson and F. Kelly), Management Science 52, 1 (2006), 39-53.

Combinatorial Auctions (edited with P. Cramton and Y. Shoham), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006. Second printing 2008. Third printing (paperback) 2010.

Introduction to Combinatorial Auctions” (with P. Cramton and Y. Shoham), pp. 1-13 in: P. Cramton, Y. Shoham, and R. Steinberg (eds.), Combinatorial Auctions, Boston: MIT Press, 2006.

PAUSE: A Computationally Tractable Combinatorial Auction” (with A. Land and S. Powell), Chapter 6 (pp. 139-157) in Combinatorial Auctions, Boston: MIT Press, 2006.

Pricing Internet Service,” Chapter 6 (pp. 175-201) in: A.K. Chakravarty and J. Eliashberg, eds., Managing Business Interfaces: Marketing, Engineering, and Manufacturing Perspectives, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers/ISQM, 2004.

Internet Service Classes under Competition” (with R.J. Gibbens and R. Mason), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 18, 12 (2000), 2490-2498.

A Combinatorial Auction with Multiple Winners for Universal Service” (with F. Kelly), Management Science 46, 4 (2000), 586-596.

The Allocation of Value for Jointly Provided Services” (with P. Linhart, R. Radner, K.G. Ramakrishnan), Telecommunication Systems 4, Nos. 3, 4 (1995), 151-175.

Marketing-Production Joint Decision-Making” (with J. Eliashberg), Chapter 18 (pp. 827-880) in: J. Eliashberg and G. Lilien, eds., Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol. 5, Marketing, North-Holland, 1993. Also published in Japanese in Marketing Handbook, Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten, 1997.

Planar Ramsey Numbers” (with C.A. Tovey), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 59, 2 (1993), 288-296.

An Update on the State of the Three Color Problem,” Graph Theory Notes of New York (New York Academy of Sciences) XXV (1993), 9-12.

The State of the Three Color Problem,” Annals of Discrete Mathematics 55 (1993), 211-248.

Dynamic Pricing and Ordering Decisions by a Monopolist” (with A. Rajan and Rakesh), Management Science 38, 2 (1992), 240-262.

Competitive Strategies for Two Firms with Asymmetric Production Cost Structures” (with J. Eliashberg), Management Science 37, 11 (1991), 1452-1473.

Grötzsch's Theorem for the Projective Plane” (with D.H. Younger), Ars Combinatoria 28, Dec. (1989), 15-31.

The Prevalence of Paradoxes in Transportation Equilibrium Problems” (with R.E. Stone), Transportation Science 22, 4 (1988), 231-241.

Marketing-Production Decisions in an Industrial Channel of Distribution” (with J. Eliashberg), Management Science 33, 8 (1987), 981-1000.

Common Cost Allocation in the Firm” (with G. Biddle), Chapter 2 (pp. 31-54) in: H.P. Young, ed., Cost Allocation: Methods, Principles, Applications, North Holland 1985.

Allocations of Joint and Common Costs” (with G. Biddle), Journal of Accounting Literature 3 (1984), 1-45.

Tutte’s 5-flow Conjecture for the Projective Plane,” Journal of Graph Theory 8, 2 (1984), 277-289.

The Prevalence of Braess' Paradox” (with W.I. Zangwill), Transportation Science 17, 3 (1983), 301-318.

A Topological Space for which Graph Embeddability is Undecidable” (with S. Foldes), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 29, 2 (1980), 342-344.

One Counterexample for Two Conjectures on Three Coloring” (with L.S. Mel'nikov), Discrete Mathematics 20, 2 (1977), 203-206.

Expertise Details

Auctions and mechanism design; Internet economics