Cap Sems Presents:
Costly Verification and Money Burning
Time and Date: Thursday 30 January, 1.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Speaker: Can Urgan, Princeton University
Please contact, for more information.
ISI MG500 Presents:
Generative AI and Student Performance: Evidence from a Large-Scale Multi-Cohort Intervention
Time and Date: Monday 3 February, 3.00 - 5.00pm
Location: CBG 2.06
Speaker: Dr Dimitrios Tsekouras, Rotterdam School of Management
Please contact, for more information.
OB Presents:
On Hiring via Secondary Employment Affiliations
Time and Date: Tuesday 4 February, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 5.21
Speaker: Filippo Carlo Wezel, Università della Svizzera italiana
Please contact, for more information.
ERHR Presents:
Bridging Space and Society: Benefits of Space Exploration for All? Research scope and future directions of the Space Society Research Group
Time and Date: Wednesday 5 February, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Speaker: Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, AGH University
Please contact, for more information.
Cap Sems Presents:
A Dynamic Theory of Random Price Discounts
Time and Date: Thursday 6 February, 1.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Speaker: Professor Daniel Garrett, University of Essex
Please contact, for more information.
OBHR Paper Club:
Anger Editing
Time and Date: Tuesday 11 February, 2.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 4.12
Speaker: Anna Czaplewska-Jaffery, LSE
Please contact, for more information.
OB Presents:
Identity Threat Under Scrutiny: Insights from My Research Program and Future Directions
Time and Date: Wednesday 12 February, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 5.21
Speaker: Maïlys George, IESE Business Shcool, University of Navarra
Please contact, for more information.
OB: London Qualitative Community Event
Time and Date: Monday 17 February, 3.00 - 5.00pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Please contact Lidiia Pletneva, at, for more information.
ISI MG500 Presents:
Influencing Practice: The Action Principles Approach for researching AI-enabled Supply Chains
Time and Date: Tuesday 18 February, 3.00 - 5.00pm
Location: MAR 2.06
Speaker: Professor Mary Lacity, LSE (Visiting)
Please contact, for more information.
Marketing Presents:
Smart Technology Doesn’t Make Us Dumber: Marketing AnalyticsImproves the Mental, Managerial and Financial Performance of Entrepreneurs in Rwanda
Time and Date: Wednesday 19 February, 12.00 - 1.30pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Speaker: Professor Naufel Vilcassim, LSE
Please contact, for more information.
ERHR Presents:
Modelling Multiple Group Membership: Cross-classified Multilevel Analysis in HRM Research
Time and Date: Wednesday 19 February, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 4.12
Speaker: Yucheng Zhang, University of Southampton
Please contact, for more information.