
Research Events

Seminars and conferences for departmental Faculty and Research Students.

Upcoming Research Seminars 

 CIVICA Research Seminar Presents: 

'The Rise of the European Enlargement State'

Time and Date: Tuesday 1 April, 2.30 - 4.00pm 
Location: MAR 4.12 
Speaker: Dóra Piroska, Central European University 

Please contact, for more information.

OB Presents:

'The Bamboo Ceiling in US Business Schools: Who Receives Tenure and Becomes Dean?'

Time and Date: Tuesday 1 April, 12.30 - 2.00pm 
Location: MAR 5.21
Speaker: Jackson Lu, MIT, Sloan School

Please contact, for more information.

Marketing Presents:

'The Zero-Sum Autonomy Mindset: Why Autonomy of New Technologies Can Backfire’

Time and Date: Wednesday 2 April, 12.00 - 1.30pm
Location: MAR 4.12
Speaker: Dr. Emanuel de Bellis, University of St Gallen

Please contact, for more information.  

ERHR Presents:

'Beauty and the Business: Staff Beauty Contests in an Era of ‘Equal Opportunities’

Time and Date: Wednesday 2 April, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 5.21
Speaker: Brett Morritt, University of Cambridge

Please contact, for more information.

Cap Sems Presents:

'Housing Supply, Property Insurance, and Spatial Exposure to Natural Hazards;

Time and Date: Thursday 3 April, 1.00 - 3.00pm 
Location: MAR 6.33 
Speaker: Augusto Ospital, Ludwig Miximilian University of Munich (LMU) 

Please contact, for more information.

Past Research Seminars

ERHR Presents:

The Interloper: A Conversation with Michel Anteby. Moderated by Sandra Portocarrero

Time and Date: Tuesday 4 March, 12.30 - 2.30pm
Location: MAR 6.33 
Speaker: Michel Anteby, Boston University

Please contact, for more information.

ISI MG500 Presents:

Reinterpreting digital infrastructure evolution: The field of global payment infrastructure

Time and Date: Tuesday 4 March, 3.00 - 5.00pm
Location: MAR 2.06 
Speaker: Juan Camilo Giraldo-Mora, LSE

Please contact, for more information.

Cap Sems Presents:

Performance Incentives with Multiple Instruments

Time and Date: Thursday 6 March, 1.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 6.33 
Speaker: Erik Madsen, NYU

Please contact, for more information.

OB Presents:

Navigating Cultural Differences in Global Virtual Teams: The Role of Collective Efficacy and Shared Language for Team Performance

Time and Date: Monday 10 March, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 4.12 
Speaker: Tobias Blay, University of Goettingen

Please contact, for more information.

OBHR Paper Club:

Neurodiversity and Microaggressions

Time and Date: Tuesday 11 March, 2.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 4.12 
Speaker: Tanya Alaaldin, LSE

Please contact, for more information.

ISI MG500 Presents:

Pioneering Financial Inclusion Through Social Network Analysis: Artificial Intelligence in Lending

Time and Date: Tuesday 11 March, 3.00 - 5.00pm
Location: MAR 2.06
Speaker: Dr Ahmad Abd Rabuh, Oxford Brookes Business School

Please contact, for more information.

Cap Sems Presents:

Gender Mix and Team Performance: Evidence from Obstetrics

Time and Date: Thursday 13 March, 1.00 - 3.00pm 
Location: MAR 6.33 
Speaker: Manasvini Singh, Carnegie Mellon University

Please contact, for more information.

ERHR Presents:

Parental Leave and Impact on Women’s and Men’s Careers

Time and Date: Wednesday 19 March, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Location: MAR 5.21
Speaker: Ivona Hideg, Saïd Business School (University of Oxford)

Please contact, for more information.

Marketing Presents:

Who They Are and What They Say: The Impact of Politicians’ Identity and Their Social Media Content on Audience Engagement

Time and Date: Wednesday 19 March, 12.00 - 1.30pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Speaker: Girish Mallapragada, Kelley School of Business (Indiana University)

Please contact, for more information.

OB Presents:

'Evaluating and supporting teams undertaking early-stage translational research in the life sciences'

Time and Date: Tuesday 25 March, 12.30 - 2.00pm 
Location: CBG 1.10 
Speaker: Michael Hopkins, University of Sussex

Please contact, for more information.

OBHR Paper Club:

'Discourses on diversity and productivity'

Time and Date: Tuesday 25 March, 2.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 4.12 
Speaker: Anne Theunissen, LSE

Please contact, for more information.

ISI MG500 Presents:

'Policymaking in the Digital Era: exploring techno-legal assemblages and their impact on policy formulation'

Time and Date: Tuesday 25 March, 3.00 - 5.00pm
Location: MAR 2.06 
Speaker: Dr Francesco Gualdi, LSE

Please contact, for more information.

Cap Sems Presents:

'A Direct Examination of Preferences for Wealth Integration'

Time and Date: Thursday 27 March,1.00 - 3.00pm
Location: MAR 6.33
Speaker: Alex Rees-Jones, University of Pennsylvania

Please contact, for more information.

Upcoming PhD Events

London Marketing PhD Research Day 

Time and Date: 1.30pm - 6.00pm
Location: Mar 2.08

One day conference bringing together Marketing faculty and research students from LSE, Bayes Business School (City University, London),  Kings College London, London Business School and Imperial for discussion of recent papers on current marketing research.

Audience: DoM MRes / PhD in Management - Marketing students

Past PhD Events

Workshop: Reflecting on the Autumn term and planning your next research steps

Time and Date: 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Friday 13 December
Location: MAR 6.33

Topic: Second part of a two session workshop for new research students in the Department of Management with Katarina Lezova from Insolo Coaching.

Audience: First year MRes and MPhil research students.

Please contact Camilla Kennedy-Harper, at for more information.

Career Conversations: Dr Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna

Time and Date: 3.00pm, Tuesday 4 February
Location: MAR 6.33

Topic: ERHR and OB students invited Dr Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, visting faculty from the Space Technology Center at AGH University, for a small group discussion.

Audience: ERHR and OB Students 

Please contact Camilla Kennedy-Harper, at for more information. 

Finding research fellowships: Applying for post doc funding 

Time and Date: 4.00pm - 5.30pm, Wednesday 12 February

Book via CareerHub.

Student and Programme Directors Social Drinks

Time and Date: Wednesday 19 February, 5.00pm
Location: George V Pub

Informal social evening for all research students and Programme Directors. 

Please contact Camilla Kennedy-Harper, at for more information. 

Upcoming Conferences

 Check back soon!

Past Conferences

Is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion too Western-centric?: Bridging EDI across cultures

Time and Date: 5.45 - 8.00pm, Wednesday 20 November

Location: Centre Building, CKK 1.04


Join us for a panel and interactive discussion organised by the London School of Economics Department of Management’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion team.

Who does EDI benefit? Does it benefit marginalised communities or those in power? Are EDI practices developed in the West still applicable in the Global South? How can EDI practices be expanded or adapted for different cultures and contexts around the world? How can we embrace “cultural humility” to create an inclusive EDI practice?

This year’s theme takes a critical look at EDI practices and whether and how they can be applied in a globalising world.

This event will feature expert speakers and interactive discussions that bridge theory and practice. There will also be the opportunity to network with EDI practitioners, researchers, and DoM students with a passion for EDI.

Whether you are a student, faculty member, or a seasoned EDI/HR practitioner, you will gain valuable insights into EDI interventions and challenges across various cultures.

Audience: Students, Alumni, Staff, Employers, Sponsors.

To register for this conference, please click here

If you have any questions, please contact Paulette Annon, at, for more information.

Colloquium on Digitalization, Interfacing and their Impacts

Time and Date: 9.00am-6.00pm, Tuesday 4 June
Location: Centre Building, Sumeet Valrani Lecture Room, CBG.1.01


The Information Systems and Innovation Group within the Department of Management, London School of Economics is pleased to announce a Colloquium on Digitalization, Interfacing and their Impacts which will be held at the LSE campus on the 4th of June 2024.

The Colloquium is an opportunity for IS researchers, at any level of experience and seniority, to discuss research related to key and emerging themes surrounding Digitalization in a constructive setting. Talks from noted global IS scholars will stimulate discussion on a range of different aspects of Digitalization, including the interfacing of complex systems and the opportunities and challenges these creates for business and society. Full details of the agenda, as well as abstracts of the talks, will be provided closer to the date. The event is organised by the EPSRC funded IRIS research programme: Interface reasoning for interacting systems (IRIS). (

Audience: This conference is open to Information Systems researchers at any level of experience and seniority.

Please contact Anushri Gupta at to register.

London Quantitative Marketing Conference 2024

Time and Date: 10.00am-5.00pm, Wednesday 8 May 2024
Location: TBC


The London Quantitative Marketing Conference aims to facilitate research collaboration and networking among researchers and PhD students at universities in London. The conference features research talks and discussions on diverse quantitative marketing research topics.
This year, we are excited to add two PhD students presentations in the morning: Chaoran Liu (LBS) and Yanting He (Imperial). In the afternoon, we will welcome Xu Zhang (LBS), Stephan Seiler (Imperial), Rafael Greminger and Vladimir Pavlov (UCL).

Audience: Faculty and PhD students whose research interests are in the quantitative marketing area

Please contact Xiaolin Li at to register.