LSE China Conference Speakers

Note:- Listed in alphabetical order based on surname

Dilly Fung

Professor Dilly Fung became LSE Pro-Director (Vice President) for Education in July 2018. In this role she oversees student education across the School. Her aim is to develop an inclusive, outward-looking scholarly community in which every student is inspired by and contributes to LSE’s research-rich intellectual culture. She is also Professor in Practice at the LSE School of Public Policy.

Drawing on her interdisciplinary roots in English, Politics and Philosophy of Education and on her long teaching career, Dilly’s academic work analyses connections between research, learning, student agency, policy (including rewarding educators in higher education) and leadership. In her previous role as Professor of Higher Education Development at UCL, she introduced a new focus on building more imaginative synergies between research and student education, both within and across university departments, which was adopted as institutional strategy.

Dilly’s recent open access monograph, A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education, explores the unity of research and teaching in theory and in practice. Connected Curriculum has become well known nationally and internationally, influencing policy and practice in many countries. She speaks regularly about these themes in the UK and internationally.

Tim Hildebrandt

Timothy Hildebrandt joined the Department of Social Policy, at LSE, in August 2013 and is Associate Professor of Social Policy and Development. His teaching, primarily at the post-graduate level, focuses on social policy and development, non-governmental organisations, and sexuality. Trained as a political scientist, Timothy’s current research program aims to better understand how social policies affect marginalised populations (such as LGBT people) and how social actors (such as NGOs) seek to rectify inequalities in policy processes and outcomes. Although internationally-recognised as a China expert, his recent research has been more comparative in nature, examining Southeast Asia, Subsaharan Africa, the UK, and the US. His research program is methodologically diverse, theoretically grounded, and empirically driven, motivated by and responsive to real world policy problems; he employs both qualitative and quantitative analysis in research that engages theories and debates in social policy, political science, communication, development, sexuality, and Asian studies. Timothy’s work has been published in a wide variety of journals including: Development and Change, Development Policy Review, Foreign Policy Analysis, Journal of Contemporary China, Review of International Studies, The China Quarterly. His book, Social Organizations and the Authoritarian State in China was published by Cambridge University Press in 2013. He also frequently adapts his research for a more general audience, with op-eds and commentaries appearing in Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, and South China Morning Post. 

Li Chunyun

Dr Chunyun Li joined the Department in September 2015. She completed her PhD in industrial relations and human resources at Rutgers University's School of Management and Labour Relations. As part of her doctorate research, she spent more than one year on observing and interviewing strikers and labour NGOs in China. She also has a BA in social security from Renmin University of China. Her current research focuses on comparative employment relations; collective bargaining; trade unions; corporate social responsibility; and labour issues in China.

Li Guangyu/李广雨


李广雨  北京大学光华管理学院工商管理硕士现任:狗熊会(数据科学产业高端智库)CEO、联合创始人;万商联信创始人兼CEO曾任:2003年-2006年就职于深圳人民银行金融电子结算中心,先后参与过中国人民银行总行现代化支付系统(大小额支付系统)、同城清算系统、财税库行横向联网系统、代收付系统、商业银行接口开发及系统集成等的开发和实施工作。2006年12月加入拉卡拉创业团队。拉卡拉是国内知名第三方支付公司,A股首家支付行业上市公司。历任助理总裁、副总裁、高级副总裁等职务,奠定了在支付、金融领域超过15年的从业经验。2015年2月任考拉征信服务有限公司总裁。考拉征信是央行首批试点八家民营征信机构之一。坚信“信用创造价值”,致力于将考拉征信打造成具有社会公信力的开放式综合信用服务机构。

Ma Xueqiang

Prof. Ma is professor of Chinese history in the Research Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS). After obtaining his PhD from the East China Normal University. His research covers a range of issues on the history and theory of southern regions on the Yangtze River(which is also called the Jiangnan region), Chinese urban history and urban cultural heritage.

Prof. Ma is currently Director of the Research Institute of Shanghai History, and chief expert of research think tank of urban cultural heritage, an interdisciplinary cross-school initiative supported by funding from SASS and the Shanghai Municipal Government. It brings together scholars and resources from across Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Tongji University to foster interdisciplinary urban historical study through collaborative research and teaching, and by developing cross-disciplinary methodologies that integrate the perspectives of the social sciences, design disciplines, the humanities, and digital technologies.

In addition to his hundreds of working papers on history, he has published widely on intersections between history and urbanism, and cultural heritage. His recent books include two series, one focusing on the interrelation between prestigious schools and urbanism (百年名校与江南文脉), and another one focusing on the cultural heritage within the urban regeneration context (城市更新与人文遗产·上海系列). His main publications include“History of Longhua, a town with more than one thousand history located in Jiangnan area”(千年龙华), “Reading Sinan Mansion”(阅读思南公馆), “Old memory in southern Shanghai”(上海城南旧事), “Heart of Shanghai City”(上海城市之心), “From the ministry of industry and commerce building to the new government building”(the urban history shaped by a remarkable building)(从工部局大楼到上海市人民政府大厦), “The first school of Western system: study on Xuhui public school ”(西学东渐第一校:徐汇公学研究), “the study on Shaoxing No.1 Middle School, the prestigious school in Shaoxing City”(存古开新:从绍郡中西学堂到绍兴市第一中学), “Precious literature selection of Shikumen buildings”(石库门珍贵文献选辑)“Research on Urban Land Property Right System in Modern Jiangnan Area”(从传统到近代——江南城镇土地产权制度研究)“the history on life of comprador class in modern Shanghai(出入于中西之间——近代上海买办社会生活)the history of Xi’s family: a noble business family in Jiangnan Area(江南席家——中国一个经商大族的变迁)Study of The China Weekly Review(密勒氏评论报总目与研究) “four-hundred-kilometer Ou River(the river connecting urban history of cities it passing through)(八百里瓯江).

马学强研究员简介 - 历史学博士,现为上海市史志学会副会长、上海社会科学院城市人文遗产研究团队首席专家、上海社会科学院历史研究所研究员、上海史研究室主任。


Álvaro Mendez

Dr. Álvaro Mendez is Co-Director of the Global South Unit at the LSE, where he is also Senior Research Fellow in the International Relations Department. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Shanghai; a Senior Fellow at Fudan University; a Research Associate at the University of Bristol; and a former editor of Millennium-Journal of International Studies at the LSE. He currently lectures at the LSE on courses such as China and the Global South and Foreign Policy Analysis. LSE’s International Relations Department awarded him its 2003-2004 Teaching Prize. Dr. Mendez is an associate academic at the LSE Latin America and Caribbean Centre; and an International Advisory Board member of the Observatoire Politique de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes (OPALC) at Sciences Po. 

Dr. Mendez has lectured at the University of Shanghai, the Singapore Institute of Management, Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Argentina), Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Dr. Mendez is currently co-authoring a major study on the foreign relations of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru and Mexico with respect to China, to be published in early 2019. He is co-editor of the forthcoming book New Development Assistance: Emerging Economies and the New Landscape of Development Assistance in collaboration with Fudan University. His most recent publications include Colombian Agency and the Making of US Foreign Policy (Routledge, 2017); Global Governance in Foreign Policy (Oxford University Press, 2017); and The China-Latin America Axis: Emerging Markets and their Role in an Increasingly Globalised World (co-authored, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Hyun Bang Shin

Prof Hyun Bang Shin is Director of the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre (SEAC), and Professor of Geography and Urban Studies in the Department of Geography and Environment. Prior to the Centre Directorship, he was a Steering Committee member at SEAC. Prof Shin’s research centres on the critical analysis of the political economy of urbanisation with particular attention to cities in Asian countries such as Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea and China. His research themes include the politics of displacement; gentrification; real estate speculation; the right to the city; mega-events as urban spectacles. His most recent project on circulating urbanism has also brought him to work on Ecuador.

Prof Shin has published widely in major international journals and contributed to numerous books on the above themes. His most recent books include Planetary Gentrification (Polity Press, 2016), Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement (Policy Press, 2015), and Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). Other forthcoming books include The Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia (Routledge) and Making China Urban (Routledge).

Prof Shin is a trustee of the Urban Studies Foundation, sits on the international advisory board of the journal Antipode and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Urban GeographyCity, Culture and SocietySpace and EnvironmentChina City Planning ReviewRadical Housing Journal. Previously, he served the journal CITY as Senior Editor.

He is also a co-organiser of the Urban Salon, an interdisciplinary London forum for architecture, cities and international urbanism, and edits an LSE blog Field Research Method Lab.

Prof Shin was awarded BSc from Seoul National University (1994) and worked in the construction sector for six years before arriving at the LSE to pursue MSc (2000) and PhD (2006). He held a post-doctoral fellowship at the White Rose East Asia Centre, University of Leeds from 2007 to 2008.

Moqi Groen-Xu

Dr Moqi Groen-Xu is an assistant professor in the Finance Department at LSE. Her research focuses on CEO contracts, compensation, shareholder activism, proxy voting, and investor relations. Dr Groen-Xu joined the LSE in 2011 with a PhD from INSEAD, France. Prior to her academic career, she worked as a consultant with McKinsey and Company, the global management consultancy.

Yao Qiwei

Professor Qiwei Yao is a  Professor of Statistics at LSE and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Guanghua School of Management at PKU. Professor Yao is a leading expert in high-dimensional time series analysis and nonlinear time series analysis, and is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics Statistics, Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. His current research focuses on modelling and forecasting with vast time series data. Professor Yao has undertaken extensive data analytics consultancy projects from major industry companies including Barclays Bank, Electricité de France (EDF), and Winton Capital Management Ltd.

Xiong Yuegen

Xiong Yuegen is Professor and Director, The Centre for Social Policy Research (CSPR) in the Department of Sociology at Peking University, China. He is the author of Needs, Reciprocity and Shared Function: Policy and Practice of Elderly Care in Urban China (Shanghai Renmin Press, 2008) and Social Policy: Theories and Analytical Approaches (Renmin University Press, 2009).

He was the British Academy KC Wong Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford during November 2002- September 2003, the Fellow at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK), Delmonhorst, Germany during December 2003- February 2004 and the JSPS Fellow at the University of Tokyo in October, 2005, Visiting professor at the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, UK in October, 2017 and Visiting Professor at the Center for Modern East Asian Studies, University of Gottingen, Germany in December, 2017.

In the past years, he has published extensively in the field of social policy, comparative welfare regimes, social work, NGOs and civil society. He is the editorial member of Asian Social Work and Policy Review (Wiley), Asian Education and Development Studies (Emerald), the British Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (UK) and International Journal of Community and Social Development (Sage). Prof. Xiong acted as the external examiner of PhD thesis evaluation for a number of universities, including The University of Hong Kong, The University of Bergen, Norway, The City University of Hong Kong. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Bremen University-Jacobs University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Germany.

He was the faculty of 483rd Salzburg Global Seminar on “ Economic Growth and Social Protection in Asia” held in Austria during 7th-12th November, 2011.