A welcome graphic of a person sitting a desk.

Welcome to LSE Library

Getting started essentials

This page highlights some of the most relevant information you'll need starting out.

We want you to get the most out of our Library while you are at LSE. If there is anything we can assist you with, don't hesitate to get in touch.

A member of staff giving a tour of LSE Library.

Library Getting Started Sessions

A student reading a book in the stacks

Find your course readings

Find all your essential and background readings in one place.

Books stacked on top of each other

How to borrow, renew, return and request books

An absolute Library essential.


Book Library study spaces

We have a range of study spaces designed to meet varying needs.

Charles Booth's poverty map sheet 6. This map covers the area of present-day LSE.

Familiarise yourself with our floor plans

Find your way around — ask if you need any help.


Contact our roaming staff

Our team roam the Library 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Three students sat together looking at a laptop

Review our Library resources guide

Save time finding the most relevant resources for your studies.

Three people sat around a desk talking and taking notes

Explore the training courses available through LSE LIFE

Access a wide range of courses designed to support your studies.

Two students sat at laptops talking to each other

Get help from Library staff

Our friendly team are always happy to help you use LSE Library. 

Explore some online collections