Requesting secure data can be a complicated process and delivery timings will depend on what kind of data you’re requesting and the data supplier.
A typical secure data request will involve the following steps:
1. Complete the Cyber Security Awareness Couse.
2. Email us to request access to the data. Provide details of the dataset you'd like to access, preferably with web links and any license agreements or details of correspondence you've already received from the data supplier.
3. We'll request that you fill in a data management plan. We'll also discuss the best access route for you.
4. Some agreements are standard agreements and don't need to be looked over by our legal team. For these agreements we'll ask Cyber Security to review the license as well as the data management plan and advise on whether the chosen secure access route is viable.
5. For non-standard agreements we'll need legal advisors from within the School to look the agreement over and offer comments. Please note that this is a busy service, and some agreements can be complicated. Our legal advisors reserve the right to question the terms of data agreements, particularly if the agreement involves liability for the School or the researcher.
6. If a data sharing agreement is in a foreign language then the researcher will need to provide an accredited translation to the legal team at their own expense.
7. For agreements that require an institutional signature ie, a signature from a senior member of staff within the School, signatures will not be supplied without the express approval of LSE Legal Advisors and our Cyber Security Team.
8. Once all the necessary approvals are in place and the data management plan has been received and approved, we'll either confirm with the researcher that they can sign the agreement or send the agreement to be signed by the Research Division.
Contact us with any queries about secure data applications.