people sat together looking at a computer

Open Research Working Group (ORWG) at LSE

Fostering an open and inclusive culture

Learn about the Open Research Working Group at LSE.

What is Open Research?

Open Research is a term for the principles and practices that aim to make the research process and its outputs more discoverable, transparent, and reusable. 

What is the Open Research Working Group?

The Open Research Working Group (ORWG) at LSE is an informal group of researchers, academics, and professional services staff from across LSE. The aim of the ORWG is to foster a culture of open, transparent, inclusive, and collaborative research across all social science disciplines. 

The group will discuss how to create, share, and disseminate best practices to advance openness, transparency, integrity, and reproducibility of social sciences research in the School and beyond. 

Members of the ORWG have the opportunity to share ideas and resources, engage in open discussions about meta-research, and learn from each other in a supportive and stimulating environment. The ORWG meets termly and regularly hosts workshops, seminars, and discussions on various topics related to open research, which are open to all at LSE. 

Get involved with the Open Research Working Group at LSE

If you are interested in joining the ORWG or getting involved in our events programme, get in touch with us.

OWRG members 

  • Dr Matteo M Galizzi, Associate Professor of Behavioural Science, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science and LSE Behavioural Lab: co-chair ORWG 
  • Rosie Higman, Open Research Services Manager, LSE Library: co-chair ORWG 
  • Hannah Boroudjou, Research Data Librarian, LSE Library 
  • Dr Heather Kappes, Associate Professor of Management, Department of Management 
  • Dr Dario Krpan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science 
  • Lucy Lambe, Open Research Librarian, LSE Library 
  • Dr Peter Mills, PhD Academy Manager 
  • Professor Joan Roses, Chair of the Research Degrees Sub Committee, Professor in Economic History, Department of Economic History 
  • Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Academic Director of Impact, Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science 
  • Michael Taster, Managing Editor LSE Impact Blog 


LSE researchers can get support from the Open Research Services team for:

Research Data Management

Open Access publishing for books

Open Access publishing for journals 

Research Visibility 

Other resources for researchers are available from the website of the UK Reproducibility Network: UK Reproducibility Network (; Resources | UKRN.

Upcoming events 

To be announced.

Email with any enquiries.