A stack of books

Publishing open access at LSE

Open up research for the world

We support multiple routes to open access for all publications types, allowing you to maximise the impact of your research and meet any funder requirements.

Making your journal articles open access at LSE is simple and supported by LSE Library. This flowchart outlines the routes available to authors.

A flowchart showing steps to take

Deposit publications in LSE Research Online

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Depositing your work in LSE Research Online is known as Green open access.

What is an “Author Accepted Manuscript”?

It is your own final version, after peer-review and any subsequent edits, but without any copyediting or formatting by the publisher. It is also referred to as a post-print or AAM.

Monographs, book chapters and edited collections

All other research outputs

  •  Send us the details of your publications and we'll add bibliographic records to LSE Research Online.
  • If you have the full text, send this to us and we'll make it open access if permitted by the publisher.

Publish Gold open access

We support LSE researchers to publish their work Gold open access in a number of ways.

Transformative publishing agreements

We have transformative publishing agreements that allow LSE staff and students to publish open access without paying. Check the list to see if your journal is eligible.

The corresponding author will need to be LSE affiliated (honorary or visiting positions are not eligible) and use their LSE email. Please ensure you select the CC BY licence.

Check these links for information about how to check your eligibility and take advantage of these agreements:

UKRI Block Grant

If you are funded by a UK Research Council you can apply to use the UKRI block grant to cover open access publishing costs.

LSE Open Access fund

LSE has an institutional fund to support non-funded researchers to publish their work open access. The fund is limited and requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility criteria may be stricter when the fund is low. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Only available to staff on research contracts.
  • The maximum APC we will pay is £3000 (inc. VAT).
  • We will only provide funding to papers submitted to fully open access journals, indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • CC BY licence must be chosen.

Apply for open access funding

Use this form to apply for open access funding.