A group of children huddled together in a street


Exposure and contrast: exhibition launch

Hosted by the LSE Library

LSE Library Gallery, United Kingdom

Drop in for a drinks reception celebrating the launch of our new exhibition Exposure and contrast: The Exit Photography Group.

About the exhibition

This exhibition tells the story of The Exit Photography Group who chronicled the lives of people inhabiting several of the UK’s largest cities through deeply expressive photographs and interviews beginning in 1974.

Their efforts were eventually published in 1982 as the book Survival Programmes, which revealed a country wracked by creaking social support services, inequalities and where opportunities were thinly spread.

Alongside this story, materials from the Child Poverty Action Group, and other campaigns and publications from the early 1980s, contextualise the fissures that Exit documented.

Curated by Indy Bhullar (Curator for Economics and Social Policy, LSE Library), Dr Cadence Kinsey (Utrecht University), and Chelsea Collison (Learning and Engagement Officer, LSE Library).

The British Library of Political and Economic Science (@LSELibrary) was founded in 1896, a year after the London School of Economics and Political Science. It has been based in the Lionel Robbins Building since 1978 and houses many world class collections, including the Women's Library and Hall-Carpenter Archives.


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