Information for Offer Holders

Key Dates for 2023/24

18-22 September Welcome 

19 September LLB in-person registration 

25 September Start of Autumn Term 

30 October-3 November Reading Week 

8 December End of Autumn Term 

15 January Start of Winter Term 

19-23 February Reading Week 

28 March End of Winter Term 

29 April-14 June Spring Term 

May/June Exam Period 

Key LSE Terminology

You will come across various terms at LSE you may not be familiar with. We have compiled a short list below so you know in advance what these mean when they’re referred to.  

Autumn Term - first term (September-December)

Winter Term - second term (January-April)

Spring Term - third term (May-June)

Convener - the Course Leader

Formative Assessment - non-assessed work for your course where you will receive feedback from your teacher

Summative Assessment - assessed coursework/exam

Programme - the overall programme you are enrolled on, e.g. the LLB

Course/Unit - the individual modules you take as part of your programme

Your First Weeks

We know that university life can appear to be overwhelming at times, particularly when you first arrive. Take a look at these guides which will assist you with common student queries such as moving into your halls of residence, opening a bank account, setting up your LSE IT account, and much more.

Student Support at LSE

There is a multitude of support available to you during your time at LSE to enable you to get the most out of your university experience. The Undergraduate Student Support and Advice Manager (Law) will meet with all first year LLB students in both Autumn and Winter terms to check that you are settling in.

Along with your Academic Mentor who will be allocated upon your arrival, the LLB team, and your class teachers, see this link for more information on the full range of student support on offer to you at LSE. In addition, the Law School have our own web page of support available during your study.