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LLB Offer Holders FAQs

Congratulations on your offer of a place to study in the LSE Law School this September! We hope you are looking forward to starting your LLB as much as we are looking forward to welcoming you to the Law School and the community at the LSE. 

We hope that we can answer many of your questions via this Frequently Asked Questions page. 

We’ll add to this page throughout the year but please do feel free to contact the LLB team at if you have any additional queries about your studies with us or need any other information before your arrival at the School. We’re always here to help!

Your Studies

When do I need to arrive on campus?

All incoming LLB students are expected to arrive in time for LSE Welcome which starts on Monday the 18th of September 2023. All new students are expected to complete campus enrolment on Tuesday the 19th of September; please see your Welcome schedule for exact details. Should any students be unable to arrive on campus by this date, further information regarding where and when you can complete campus enrolment will be sent out soon.

Can I register late?

Although the School expects you to complete campus enrolment on time, if you are arriving late you will have the opportunity to complete enrolment by booking a slot via the LSE Student Hub upon arrival to campus. Further information will be found on our enrolment web page in due course. Please note that the School has a late registration deadline, beyond which you cannot register. If enrolling late you will miss the School's Welcome events and it's important to familiarise yourself any recorded sessions. If you have any queries about late arrival contact

Is there any preliminary reading for my programme?

There are no recommended readings you need to complete prior to the start of the LLB.  You can view recommended readings for each of your courses via the online course guides.  

Where can I find the programme regulations for my degree?

You can find the LLB programme regulations for the 2023/24 academic year online here.

What are the term dates and what will my weekly schedule look like?

You can find the term dates here. Lectures and seminar timetables are published here so you will be able to see what days and times courses are timetabled. Lectures and classes are scheduled on weekdays and there are no classes at the weekend.

Once you are enrolled as an LSE student and enrolled onto classes, you will also receive a more detailed, personal timetable to help you plan your week.

When can I start selecting my courses (modules)?

Course selection for undergraduate students will open at 10.00am on Thursday 21 September until 5.00pm on Friday 6 October 2023.

Information on the course selection process can be found here.

Can I select courses outside of my programme regulations?

No, in the first year of the LLB all courses are compulsory.

How am I allocated to classes? Can I make changes to my class group/timetable?

You will be allocated to a class automatically. 

You must make every effort to attend all the classes and lectures you have been allocated, and you should plan extracurricular activities, work or other commitments around your personal timetable. If you find you have a genuine clash between a class and another commitment it is possible to submit a class change request via LSE For You, however please be aware that class changes will only be approved in exceptional circumstances and submitting a request does not always mean it will be possible to accommodate. Class changes will not be approved where classes are already full or where classes become imbalanced. Possible reasoning for a request may be for religious, family or work commitments. 

Is it possible to choose my Academic Mentor?

The Law School will allocate your Academic Mentor at the start of Autumn Term. Due to resourcing considerations across the Law School it is not possible for students to request a specific Mentor.

How are courses taught?

First year LLB Law courses take the form of a lecture and a class. Lectures are delivered to the full cohort. You will also attend classes which consist of small groups that enable discussion and analysis of the previous lecture material. A typical class size will be made up of 15 students.

How are courses assessed?

For each course you will undertake both formative and summative work. Formative (non-assessed) work is designed to help you prepare for your summative (assessed) work. Summative assessment will consist of closed book exams in the Spring Term.

When do exams take place?

Assessments for Law courses take place in May and June (Spring Term).  

The School Spring Term exam timetable is published mid-way though Winter Term.


Your Wellbeing

I have a disability, medical condition, specific learning difficulty or a mental health condition. Where can I get support and is there anything I can do before I arrive?

The Disability and Wellbeing Service supports students with disabilities and long-term medical conditions. We recommend you contact them before you start your studies at LSE, or as soon as possible afterwards, so they can work with you to put appropriate support in place for you at the very start of the academic year.

How will the School help support my mental health and wellbeing throughout my studies?

Your health and wellbeing are extremely important to us and the School has lots of support available to students during your time here. Take a look here, where you will find a wealth of resources including, but not limited to:


What about the support available within the Law School?

Both the LLB Professional Services Team and the academic staff within the Law School are here to offer pastoral support throughout your studies.

  • Our LLB Undergraduate Student Adviser will meet with you in both Autumn and Winter terms to check in with you. You will be able to raise any concerns you have during these sessions.
  • The LLB Professional Services Team are available for you to meet with so you can discuss any concerns and ask them any questions on a one-to-one basis.
  • Your Academic Mentor is available as a key source of support to you. You will be allocated an Academic Mentor in Week 1 of Autumn Term. Take a look here for some of the ways in which the Academic Mentor relationship can help support you.  You can also find more information on your Academic Mentor in the ‘Your Studies’ section above.